Tuesday, September 20, 2011


wasn't sure if I was physically able to do Lynne today, but really wanted to give it a shot. My right shoulder has been hurting on and off for the past 10 months and hurt really bad last week, but has felt better the past week since I've laid off of heavy upper body work.

I subbed out push ups with a 45# bumper plate on my back, as far up between my shoulder blades as I could keept it, and took off. Round totals for push ups and pull ups were:


My upper body muscular endurance is almost non-existence. I probably came of the bar a little early on the pull ups, but I was afraid a tweaking my shoulder. I noticed my grip giving out, too, maybe because somebody taped the pull up bar at the Depot and it gets sticky/slippery. Nothing a good chalking won't cure!

I some some lifts with the 160# stone. Didn't shoulder it, but got it up to my chest and hyperextended my back - 5 reps.

Rowed 500m to cash out, hoped to get sub 1:30, but quickly realized my legs and back was shot from the other work. Finished in 1:47.8. Hardly stellar.

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