Friday, November 18, 2011

100 pull ups for time + 21,15,9

Today's a scheduled rest day, but since I took yesterday off, I searched through some CF Football WODs and decided to do a twofer.

WOD #1 - 100 pull ups for time. Decided to do each set to failure, recover as quickly as I could, then get back on the bar. Happy to say I started off with 41 unbroken, my new PR, then struggled hard to get the next 59. Sets and times at the end of each set:
41 1:21
12(53) 2:18
10(63) 3:01
11(74) 3:54
8 (82) 4:35
7 (89) 5:16
4 (93) 5:34
5 (98) 5:56
2(100) 6:08

WOD #2
45# db power cleans

time: 8:40

my grip was fried from the pull ups, making the pc pretty tough. I need to do a lot of work on my metcon...

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