Friday, May 27, 2011

20 minute AMRAP

I wanted to do something that I could keep moving on...something that I could probably do all the reps each round, with the challenge being how many times could I circle through the rounds.

So, I came up with AMRAP 20 minutes of:

4 chest to bar pull ups
5 toes to bar

I was able to get 3 HSPU in probably half the rounds, but had to break the rest 2 & 1.  Pull ups done with varying grip, mostly palms down, but I did cycle through 4 different ways a couple times.

Ended up with 15 rounds plus HSPU and pull ups.  Round times were:

:44, :55, 1:13, 1:01, 1:11, 1:28, 1:16, 1:10, 1:12, 1:25, 1:26, 1:28, 1:26, 1:45, 1:25, :45 (partial)

WOD totals = 48 HSPU, 64 ctb pull ups, 75 toes to bar

Cashed out with 3 rounds of 15 ghd sit ups wearing 20# vest, rest b/t rounds = work time:
:47, :55, 1:01

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