Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tabata x5

Round 1:
Treadmill - 15% grade with different speeds each 20 work at 8, 8.1, 8,2 8.3, 8.0, 7.5, 7.5, 7.0mph. Ran most of the time...had to hold on the rails a couple times or I would've died, or at least been a candidate for a funny youtube video.

Round 2:
Rowing - meters were 91, 92, 90, 88, 88, 84, 91, 90

Round 3:
Pull ups - 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6 I gamed this one...6 wasn't bad

Round 4:
GHD sit ups - 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6 I games this one, too.

Round 5:
26" box jumps - 5,6,7,8,7,6,5,8 alternated jumps with Jared

Good WOD. Took a little longer than one minute b/t exercises to get set up for next exercise, then had to wait for timer to circle back to 20:10.

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