Thursday, April 5, 2012

Burpees and Thrusters

Do 100 burpees for time. Along the way, do 5 thrusters, on the minute, every minute. Start at 75# and add 5# (total) every round. Can you finish? Post burpees/round.

thruster weight / # of burpees:
75 / 18
80 / 8
85 / 6
90 / 3
95 / 4
100 / 3
I quit!

Took a 5 minute rest, then re-started with same scheme, but used 75# for every round of thrusters:
75 / 16
75 / 5
75 - 1 rep / 0 burpees
then went to burpees only to finish 100:

This WOD sucked.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

GTO, chest to bar, Russian twists, burpees

warm up 25 burpees

WOD: 14 minute AMRAP
3 135# ground to overhead
6 chest to bar pull ups
9 Russian twists w/25# plate (each time plate touches ground = 1 rep)
Along the way, do 5 burpees every minute on the minute*

*Don't stop a set on each minute to do burpees. If you have completed 1 rep of an exercise, finish all reps of that exercise before doing burpees.

‎6 rounds plus 3 gto and 6 pull ups

burpees really snuck up quickly

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

main site WOD...lunges and burpees

Tuesday WOD ...straight from the main site...

Five rounds for time of:
45# barbell Overhead walking lunges, 50 feet
21 Burpees

Let trailing knee gently kiss the ground on each lunge.

watch stopped at 3:44...not sure of time, but WOD sucked!

Monday, April 2, 2012

thrusters, burpees, and burpees pull ups

5 rounds one minute each exercise:

135# thrusters 5,4,3,2,1 (one minute to complete # of reps...remainging time is rest)
AMRAP burpees
AMRAP burpee pull ups

burpees 20,13,14,15,14=76

burpee pull ups 7,5,6,6,6=30