Thursday, April 30, 2009


scaled down to 95# and did power cleans (very little knee bend) to rest legs for the mini. Ring dips as Rx. Didn't plan on working out tonight at all, but couldn't pass it up!


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

last one before half-marathon

CFE Rx 9 minute run...Hal Higdon Rx 2 mile run...I split the difference.

I ran/walked 1/3 mile, then ran one mile for time (6:41 new PR) then 1/3 mile run/walk. Legs felt tired. I think the next 2 days of rest will be good and my body will be ready on Saturday.

Toe was a little sore, but I don't think it hurt my running.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

shoulder press


5 reps 95#
2 reps 115#
4 reps 115#


sounded easy enough...3 rounds (running or biking) of:

5 seconds on, 10 seconds off,
20 on, 10 off,
10 on, 10 off,
30 on, 10 off,
15 on, 10 off,
25 on, 10 off.

Since I stubbed my toe, I wanted to rest it and opted for biking. I rode the stationary bike at the depot set on level 12 and took off.

For something that was less than nine minutes of was a brutal one! It was hard to keep the RPM >100 for the 30, 15, and 25 sets at the end and the 10 second rests seemed to get shorter each time.

Monday, April 27, 2009

SDHP & dips

5 rounds of:
21 95# SDHP
21 ring dips

time: 29:36

all dips were ring dips, but only the first set was unassisted. from then on I did unassisted and assisted with the wide or narrow band. I got a least 5 unassisted in each set and went until failure before changing methods.

No CFE today!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


2x today

CFE #1
sprint 10 seconds, rest 20 seconds
16 rounds
done at high school track...last few weren't quite a sprint, but I was giving it what I had.

Run 35 minutes. Ran to Washington Park, then 5 times up and down sledding hill, back towards home and time ran out just past Fear's house across from golf course.

Not sure 2 CFEs plus one main site WOD is a good idea, but half marathon is less than a week away and this was my last long workout until then.

snatch & pull ups21-15-9

95# snatch

time: 9:15

as Rxd was a squat snatch, mine were more of a power snatch...since I can OHS. Great workout.

2 CFEs to go today...should be a good day!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Michael & CrossFit Endurance

CFE at lunch - sprint 100m - rest 2 minutes...10x

Michael - after work

run 800m
50 back ext (good mornings 45# bar)
50 situps

time 26:22

Thursday, April 23, 2009


time 29:33

new PR!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009



warmups 135x5 225x4


total weight 2280

CF endurance

20:10 x 8 rounds, 20 seconds on 10 seconds off. Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at 0-30 sec slower pace per mile than best 5k pace. Do not reduce the speed!

Set grade at 12, speed at 8mph (7:30/mile pace). Didn't change speed at all. Nice, short workout! Deadlifts tonight!!

Monday, April 20, 2009



235 (not sure I got deep enough...did reps)

cfwu x1 before
cfwu x1 (no dips) after

Sunday, April 19, 2009


100 pullups
100 pushups
100 situps
100 squats

all done in order. situps done with feet anchored under couch in living room...time about 33 minutes (last time was a lot quicker, but I didn't finish one exercise before starting the next, I went to failure on each exercise and kept rotating).

Saturday, April 18, 2009


  • WOD done Thursday 4/16/09:

maximum number of rounds in 20 minutes of:

30 box jumps (26")
20 115# push press
30 pullups

3 rounds

did jumps onto the school desk...a couple of pauses to fix the rings for Brenda and set a timer. 3 rounds was all I wanted!


50 of each for time:
24" box jumps
jumping pullups
35# swings
knees to elbows
45# push press
45# back extensions
12# wallball
tuck jumps

time: 30:53
new PR

Thursday, April 16, 2009


3 rounds for time:

run 400m
21 35# plate swings
12 pullups

time: 12:53

Not sure how to compare times to prior Helens since I've done them a little different each time. A great workout everytime I've done it! This time, I ran 100m down the street and back 2x to get 400m then to the basement for the pullups & swings. Felt good, but lower back got tight on last set of swings.

Did sets of strict pullups earlier in the day, resting about 60 seconds b/t sets: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8 - 44 total

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jason Sutfin

DL, cleans, & push jerk

5 rounds for time (scaled WOD):

12 155# deadlift
9 115# cleans
6 115# push jerk

time: 17:44

started with 125 on the cleans, but after 3 realized it was too much. 10# made a world of difference. Hard on the forearms and a great metcon workout.

Started Recon Ron with strict pullup sets of 8,6,5,5,4

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sunday & Monday WOD

Sunday - WOD as RX 30 muscle ups

practiced technique a few times, then did some L pullups, strict pullups, and ring dips until failure.

Monday - main site rest day...crossfitendurance run on treadmill 6-12 degree incline. did one mile in 11:04 (much harder than I thought it would be) then 1.5 miles on bike and about another 1/2 on treadmill.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


100 day challenge eded's WOD includes burpees!!

3 rounds for time:
50 45# SDHP
21 burpees
400m run

time 17:15

same WOD as 2/15/09 except I subbed SDHP for plate swings this time

Friday, April 10, 2009


today ended the 100 day challenge...100 burpees today...time of 7:53! Oh yeah!!!

In addition, the WOD is the CrossFit total...done at the depot about an hour and a half after the burpees:

Squat 265 (PR)
Press 135
Deadlift 350 (PR)
CFT - 750 (PR)

did I mention BOOYAH?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

rest day...getting ready for tomorrow!

did burpees over lunch in sets of 10 or 20. rested as needed b/t sets and just wanted to see how fast I could do 10 or 20, then set a challenging but realistic time for tomorrow's finale. Sets done as follows:

10 warmup not timed
10 24.9
10 24.9
10 24.3
10 23.8
20 54.9
10 28.8
10 27.8
9 20.9

Goal for tomorrow is 7:30 for 100 burpees

YTD Total after day 99 = 5079

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


wanted to work my burpees in the 5k, so I ran the 3.1 around our 1/3 mi. circle, doing 11 burpees after each of the first 8 laps and 10 after the 9th lap, then finished the .1 mile.

Time 33:38

YTD burpees 4980

shoulder work

press 1-1-1-1-1
push press 3-3-3-3-3
push jerk 5-5-5-5-5

press 125,135,140f,135,130,135
push press 135,145,135,140,140
push jerk 105,125,145f,95

ended up with more weight than last time...rushed workout and tried to get burpees done b/t sets, probably hurt totals. overall, happy with workout. I think the HSPU I've been doing recently helped a lot with this one.

100 day challenge - day 97 - 4882 YTD

Monday, April 6, 2009


Kinda hard to believe it's day 96...4 to go!

did tonights 30 seconds on, 20 seconds off...95 burpees in 7:48. Ended up with sets of 10,11,10,10,10,10,10,10,9,5....mis added and did my 96th a couple hours after.

YTD burpees = 4785
WOD as Rx today is repeating cycle of 100ft walking lunges with sets of pullups & situps, back to lunges, then pullups and situps, etc. The number of pullups and situps go 21,18,15,12,9, & 6.

WOD in my basement going 25 feet, turning around, and repeating for 100ft per set.

Time 16.33.

All pullup sets were done unbroken (kipping). Totals 600 ft lunges, 81 pullups, 81 situps

Sunday, April 5, 2009

rest day

100 day challenge - Day 95 ytd = 4689

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Hang Power Clean & jerk

1-1-1-1-1-1-1... this thing is mostly about technique...and confidence!


I struggled big time with the 145...could get the shrug to get the bar going upward and didn't have the confidence to drop beneath the bar and catch it. The 135# seem fairly light, but the 145# was soooo heavy.

warmup was 12 pullups, 12 dips, 10 ghsd situps, 10 back ext. then hpc&j 5xbar, 4x95, 3x115.

after WOD, i did burpees in sets of 13,12,11,10,9,8,7,7,6,6,5. after each set I rotated between sets of ghd situps, hspu (max reps), and back extensions

finished up with some weighted pullups, tried to go non-stop, but I did drop of the bar to record reps and move dumbbells a little so I could pick them up:


100 Day challenge - Day 94 YTD 4594- 6 days to go!

Friday, April 3, 2009

400m + burpees

WOD today 5 rounds of 400m and burpees (scaled from main site...subbed burpees for OHS)

400, 19, 400, 19, 400, 19, 400, 19, 400, 17

time: 18:44minutes

100 Day challenge - ytd burpees 4500

Thursday, April 2, 2009


3 rounds for time:
21 L pullups
25 towel pullups

did 5 burpees each time I let go of the bar until I got my 92 for the day.

Time 30.22

did pretty good on the L pullups for the first 2 sets. When I started number three, the tank was empty. Ended up doing 21 strict pullups, then some L sits at the end to make up...probably not the same as the L pullups, but I had no choice.

Towel pullups were tough...last set were done sliding the towel back and forth to simulate climbing.

Ended up doing 42 L pullups, 21 strict pullups, 75 towel/modified towel pullups.

Did 2 sets of L sits and 6 HSPU after I stopped the clock

100 day challenge - Day 92 - YTD = 4407 burpees

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 91

100 day challenge - YTD burpees 4315

We're on the homestretch!