Monday, January 31, 2011

Masters WOD#2

Got this from CF Masters...
every minute for 10 minutes, do 3 pull ups, 6 push ups, and 9 squats. For whatever time is left in the minute do as many thrusters as possible. Score = weight used X total thrusters. You can not change weight once you start.

I went with 65# and got 12,6,8,6,6,6,3,5,2,4 = 58x65 = 3770

Jared and I did max height box jumps (stack of bumper plates) and I got 40 3/4". First time doing that!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

50s for time

50 box jumps (I jumped on a stack of bumpers 24"+)
50 53# kb swings
50 sit ups
50 40# db hang power cleans
800m run (.5 miles on treadmill)
50 back extensions

time 20:42

times for each: jumps 2:22, swings 2:33, sit ups 2:51, cleans 4:20, 800m 5:11, back ext 3:25

did sets of 10 cleans then a little rest, run on TM took longer than on track or road due to set up of treadmill and a couple of walks during run

Friday, January 28, 2011

CF football

AMRAP 3 minutes:
3 155# cleans
6 push ups (hand release)
9 squats/ring dips

1 minute rest, do a total of 6 rounds. squat in rounds 1,3,5 dips in 2,4,6

1: 3 +1 squat
2: 1 +6 dips
3: 3 +1 clean
4: 1+3 cleans
5: 2 +3 squats
6: 1+ 4 push ups (bar dips this round)

totals in 23 minutes:49 cleans, 88 push ups, 76 squats, 24 ring dips, 9 bar dips

row 5 minutes, rest 3, row 5 minutes - 1259m and 1198m

Thursday, January 27, 2011

CFE and CF Football

Rowing intervals of 1 minute work, followed by rest periods of 1, :50, :40, :30, :20, :10, :20, :30, :40, :50, finished with 1 minute of work.

Meters were 293 292 273 271 266 256 253 260 262 264 280

Total rowed = 2969

CrossFit Football
sprint 5x 20m rest :30
sprint 5x 15m rest :30
sprint 5x 10m rest :30

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


1) death by 95# power cleans. 14 rounds +11

2) deadlift 5x3. 275, 325, 345, 325, 280

3) Damper set to 7 on C2. Row for 2 minutes then to get AVG WATTS 180, then row until AVG WATTS falls below 180. Time (including 2 minutes) was 12:15. 2935 meters. 186 calories

Monday, January 24, 2011

deadlift and double unders

3 rounds:
10 275# deadlift
50 double unders

As Rx = 6:50 (1:19, 2:36, 2:55)

compared to last time when I did 30 double unders/round...big improvement

first 10 dl unbroken
second round 4, 3, 2, 1
last round 4, 5, 1

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tabata x5

Round 1:
Treadmill - 15% grade with different speeds each 20 work at 8, 8.1, 8,2 8.3, 8.0, 7.5, 7.5, 7.0mph. Ran most of the time...had to hold on the rails a couple times or I would've died, or at least been a candidate for a funny youtube video.

Round 2:
Rowing - meters were 91, 92, 90, 88, 88, 84, 91, 90

Round 3:
Pull ups - 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6 I gamed this one...6 wasn't bad

Round 4:
GHD sit ups - 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6 I games this one, too.

Round 5:
26" box jumps - 5,6,7,8,7,6,5,8 alternated jumps with Jared

Good WOD. Took a little longer than one minute b/t exercises to get set up for next exercise, then had to wait for timer to circle back to 20:10.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

15 minutes...rowing and push ups

I hate push ups. I suck at them and my shoulder hurts!

I know, I know...3..2..1..GO!

AMRAP 15 minutes:
250m row
25 push ups

4 full rounds + 136m row

1136m rowing and 100 push ups

push ups were broken down into doubles and trips by the end...brutal!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

3 rounds for time...a new one

6 muscle ups
30 wall ball
15 135# power clean

wall ball and power cleans as Rx
first two rounds of m/u Rx, last round got 4, then did 3 ring pull ups and 3 ring dips
HSPU weren't happening. I think my since right shoulder's been hurting, I've not kept the strength up. So today, I did all HSPU with varying amounts of help from the bands. I did 6 HSPU then 6 push ups off the bench in the second round.

WOD time: 29:30

Monday, January 10, 2011

weighted pull ups

3 palms down 50, 65*, 55
3 palms up 60, 60**, 60
right down, left up 55, 65, 70***
right up, left down 55, 55, 55

**weight fell off my feet 1/2 way up
***weights on belt with chain, 3/4

Saturday, January 8, 2011

not so easy...

Saw the WOD and thought "this looks fun and easy"...seriously!

5 rounds for time:
10 wall climbs
10 toes to bar
20 24" box jump

once I got to the 3rd wall climb in the first round, I knew I was in trouble. I quickly scaled it to 5 wall climbs per round...thinking that would help. Mid-way through the second round, I scaled it further to:

3 rounds
5 climbs
10 TTB
20 box jumps

time was 13:29 (4:52, 4:47, 3:50)

cashed out with 2 minutes max reps D/U = 100

Friday, January 7, 2011


8AM pre-work WOD @ the Depot...AMRAP 20 minute:

6 225# deadlift
7 burpee pull ups
10 53# kb swings
200m run

6 rounds at 20:00.11

round times: 2:53, 3:20, 3:19, 3:34, 3:50, 3:04

tough WOD. Seemed like just enough of each exercise to make it very taxing but allow me to keep moving. I slowed down on the burpee pull ups in about round 45. I started doing this with a pretty good, fluid rhythm moving burpee and jumping right into pull up. But after I got tired...I ended up doing a burpee, then jumping to the bar and kipping a pull up. KB swings were all unbroken buy very taxing.

I ran 5 laps around a 8x12 yd/m rectangle on the baseball side of the depot.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy Anniversary!!!

3 years of CrossFit...WOW!

Still hooked.

Still love it.

Still getting stronger.

Still getting faster.

Affiliate? Who knows.



95# thrusters
pull ups

time 5:27 PR!

set timer to beep every 3 and 4 seconds and tried to keep pace. I figured I'd gain time on pull ups and tried to keep up with beeps on thrusters. Didn't really do as planned, but the beeps helped me manage my rest time and stay on the bar.

Cashed out with rowing - rowed until AVE WATTS fell below body weight (165)...made 2221 meters in 9:31.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3

warmed up with 135x3 and 185x3.

230 - 1
205 - 1

WOD at Depot with Jared an Seeley.

Also did CFE WOD...3 rounds of row 125, rest, 250, rest, 500, rest. Rest time = work time

I got a little more rest time since the 3 of us were alternating b/t 2 rowers.

Times= :24, :53, 1:50, :24, :52, 1:52, :25, :53, 1:51

Monday, January 3, 2011

3 rounds for time:

run 400m
30 75# OHS
21 pull ups

WOD as Rx time = 19:29

runs done inside Depot around a 43'x47' rectangle...7.25 laps.

OHS were tough. Shoulders tired and sore from yesterday's push press WOD. I got 2 reps to start, lost balance, and had to reset. Tried to get 12 reps to start each set then 8-9 to finish in 3 sets.

round times = 5:13, 6:46, 7:30

WOD totals 1200m run, 90 75# OHS, 63 pull ups

Sunday, January 2, 2011


AMRAP as Rx:
10 115# push press
10 53# kb swing
10 24# box jump

8 full plus 10 press, 10 swings, 7 box jumps

round time: 1:19, 1:44, 2:08, 2:26, 2:30, 2:33, 2:23, 2:46, 2:11 (partial set)

WOD totals: 90 115# push pres, 90kb swings, 87 box jumps

cash out:
double unders AMRAP 2 minutes 111
double unders - 3 misses = 50 total (34,8,8)