Friday, January 7, 2011


8AM pre-work WOD @ the Depot...AMRAP 20 minute:

6 225# deadlift
7 burpee pull ups
10 53# kb swings
200m run

6 rounds at 20:00.11

round times: 2:53, 3:20, 3:19, 3:34, 3:50, 3:04

tough WOD. Seemed like just enough of each exercise to make it very taxing but allow me to keep moving. I slowed down on the burpee pull ups in about round 45. I started doing this with a pretty good, fluid rhythm moving burpee and jumping right into pull up. But after I got tired...I ended up doing a burpee, then jumping to the bar and kipping a pull up. KB swings were all unbroken buy very taxing.

I ran 5 laps around a 8x12 yd/m rectangle on the baseball side of the depot.

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