Saturday, May 30, 2009


5 rounds for time:
30 24" box jumps
30 wall balls 12# ball

time: 32:38

great day...low 80s & sunny. Just got back from Indy celebrating annivesary. Did first 3 rounds in about 16:00, then took about the same amount of time to get last 2 sets!

Thursday, May 28, 2009



warmed up with 2 sets CFWU (ring dips were 8 &5 and pullups were 10 & 6)


tried to do max on every least a weight I thought I'd have a chance to fail on, or push real hard and get it.

finished with a round of 8 25# pullups, 6 ring dips, & 6 HSPU

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


5 rounds of:
20 pullups, 30 push ups, 40 situps, 50 squats

rest 3 minutes b/t rounds


total work 33:07. this time I completed each exercise before moving on to the next.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Other workouts

  • With an empty 45# bar (25# females), squat 1 squat on the minute for the first minute, 2 the second…until you reach 30 minutes.
  • 50 burpee clean and jerks 95/65
  • 21-15-9 Dumbbell overhead lunges Dumbbell box jumps Dumbbell push ups 25/15

Sunday, May 24, 2009

CrossFit Total

much needed rest day yesterday...spent most of the day putting mulch in the landscaping, so not much of a rest!

CrossFit total today:
Back Squat 245, 275(PR), 280f
Shoulder Press 135, 145(PR), no third attempt
Deadlift 335, 355, 365 (PR)

TOTAL 785 (PR)

great time to have PRs on all 3 lifts. Not sure if that means I've been working hard and eating right -or- I just wasn't trying hard enough of past attempts at CFT. I'd like to think I've been working hard!!

finished up with:

8 chest to bar pullups, 5 30# pullups, 3 strict, 2 30#, and 2 kip
10 HSPU (rest) 4 HSPU

Friday, May 22, 2009


3 rounds:
50 back ext
50 situps

situps and back ext (good morning with 45# bar) done in living room. Warm day, WOD after work 4:45pm Friday afternoon, low80s.


Thursday, May 21, 2009


two rounds:
75 SDHP 45#

two rounds:
20 L pullups
20 95# front squats
20 95# push press

time 38:06

Rx was 20 115# thrusters but I couldn't get the weight up so I subbed front squats and push press

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

400m & 50 squats

four rounds of:
run 400m
50 squats

very nice sunny day - low 80s - done over lunch.

time 12:31 (last time 11/8/08 12:36)

Monday, May 18, 2009

rowing & bench press

fot time:

50 SDHP (rowing subs)
30 135# bench press
100 SDHP
20 135# bench press
200 SDHP
10 135# bench press

I subbed some running on the last 2 sets of SDHP...I counted one row for every .01 mile I ran. Ended up running .95 miles

time 27:16.

last set of bench unbroken... got stock on set of 20 had bar on chest and couldn't get the rep, had to rest for about 5 seconds and try it up!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

another new one!

4 round for time:
100 ft walking lunges holding 25# dumbbells
30 24" box jumps
20 pullups (25#, 15#, strict, or kipping)

as Rx...I started pullups with 25# db between feet and got a few reps, then dropped to 15# hanging from waist, then did strict, then kipping. I altered grips from palms up, down, & toward each other. The last 2 sets were done without any weight and the final set was all kipping.

Time 26:26

Saturday, May 16, 2009


21-15-9 of 225# deadlift and handstand pushups

Round of 21 HSPU were strict (feet against wall, straight up and down) but broken sets. For the round of 15, I did 7 in a semi-pike position with feet against the wall, and 8 in a pike with my feet on a bench. All in the round of nine was done off the bench, too.

I felt fairly strong on the deadlift, although I struggled with the bar getting wet with sweat and my grip starting to fail.

Time 16:17

Thursday, May 14, 2009

s/u & b/e

WOD as Rx was 5 rounds for time:

30 situps
25 back extensions (both exercise done on GHD)

I did 4 rounds, with sets of 6 burpees any time I rested for more than a couple of breaths or got of the rack to switch b/t situps and back extensions. Looking back, I'm a little disappointed I didn't finish the 5th set, but I was beat and running a little late getting back to work. I guess the burpees made up for skipping the 5th, right?

My legs were very tired from yesterday's one legged squats...both the situps AND back extensions were very hard on them. Burpees probably weren't the best idea for tired legs, but it kept me motivated to keep moving!! My lower back was pretty tight on the ride home.

Time 23:42...Totals 120 situps, 100 back extensions, 78 burpees

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mary, Mary, you're on my mind!

long time listener, first time caller...

Mary as Rx:
10 one legged squats (alternating legs)
15 pullups

7 rounds - 19:49

Workout totals: 35 HSPU, 70 one leg squats (35 each leg), 105 pullups

Wore my Five Fingers...these things are SWWEET! I really need to get a pair that I could wear with Dockers to work...just kidding.

This ended up being a great workout. I had always done Cindy before, but was ready to give this a try. All HSPU sets were unbroken, but I did need to rest a little b/t reps on the last 2 sets. Squats were done off the edge of the wooden box at the depot. Tried to stay flat footed, but most of them were done off the balls of my feet. First 5 pullup sets unbroken.

Best way to get more done is to improve time on squats (had a couple of balance issues) and try to get all pullup sets unbroken...I had to break up 6 & 7.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

power clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

warmed up with some OHS arm stretches with PVC. 18 kipping pullups, 12 situps off bowflex holding 8# med ball, and some leg stretching (samson style).

4 @ 95#
1 @ 115#

145, 165, 185F, 165, 170, 175, 180.

the 185 I failed felt sooo confidence on the 2nd pull. When I got to 180 on the final, I probably could've gotten 185. Need to start a little heavier next time and move up 5# at a time.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

back squats

cfwu x2

205 (2) failed on 3

10 HSPU to finish


WOD as Rx on 5/9, done on 5/10: 800m x4 - rest as needed b/t sets (last time):

2:55 (2:52)
3:03 (3:17)
3:09 (3:17)
3:13 (3:22)

This is a HARD friggin' lungs were burning!

total time - 12:20 (12:48)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Clean & Jerk - Grace

Rx was 30 135# C & J for time. I sacled to:

15 @ 135#
15 @ 125#

time 9:20

Power cleans and very little squatting on the jerk, more of a press. First WOD using vibrams. They gripped the rubber floor at the depot a little more than my running shoes did. I little different feel, but I liked it!

started with warmup 2x - 10 pullups, 10 bar dips, some arm stretching, 12 GHD situps and 12 back extensions.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

push jerk


2x CFWU with 10-12 reps of everything, dips were ring dips.

not very good at push jerk, so I did a lot of stretching and some reps with the bar. Added weight and did more reps and 95#...finally got to where I was doing it right on the last few reps.

Did a few weighted pullups (dropped weight and finished with strict pullups) and a set of HSPU.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Rx WOD was 10 rounds of:

3 - 25# pullups
5 - strict pullups
7 - kipping pullups

I got 4 full rounds done, then wasn't able to any weighted (could've, just didn't want to wait until my muscles recoved) and finished with 3 strict and 7 kipping. Time for what I did was: 13:54.

total pullups done:
12 - 25# weighted
23 - strict
35 - kipping

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Half Marathon

ran in Indy yesterday...time 1:50:01. first mile was very slow...took about 9:40 (lots of people and a pee break), but from then on I tried to keep an 8:20 pace to break 1:50. Got close!

I felt good most of the race. My right calf hurt a little bit at about mile 7-8, but never cramped up. No knee pain, no foot pain.

Past marathon results and training methods:

May 2006 - 2:04:59 - all running, no crossfit. used a basic Hal Higdon training plan and had some long Saturday runs to get ready.

November 2008 - 1:53:14 - CrossFit, a little CrossFit endurance, and a 4 runs that weren't part of the WOD or CFE (times were 34, 46, 59, 1:01).

May 2009 - 1:50:01 - All CrossFit, with some CFE. The longest run (as part of CFE) was 35 minutes. I did the 100 day burpee challenge (ended April 10)...this made a huge difference!