Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mary, Mary, you're on my mind!

long time listener, first time caller...

Mary as Rx:
10 one legged squats (alternating legs)
15 pullups

7 rounds - 19:49

Workout totals: 35 HSPU, 70 one leg squats (35 each leg), 105 pullups

Wore my Five Fingers...these things are SWWEET! I really need to get a pair that I could wear with Dockers to work...just kidding.

This ended up being a great workout. I had always done Cindy before, but was ready to give this a try. All HSPU sets were unbroken, but I did need to rest a little b/t reps on the last 2 sets. Squats were done off the edge of the wooden box at the depot. Tried to stay flat footed, but most of them were done off the balls of my feet. First 5 pullup sets unbroken.

Best way to get more done is to improve time on squats (had a couple of balance issues) and try to get all pullup sets unbroken...I had to break up 6 & 7.

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