Sunday, July 31, 2011

Walking the dog

rest day...took a one mile (3 laps) walk with the family wearing the 20# weight vest and backpack with 60# for a total of 80#.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

push ups / sit ups

 10..1 push ups / sit ups
even rounds I did clapping push ups
odd round - regular push ups

time 3:58

I did one extra sit up in round of 3 because I forgot to touch my toes : /

Games WOD 3

My version of 2011 Games WOD 3:
6 rope climbs
5 135# ground to overhead
5 climbs
4 145# GTO
4 climbs
3 155# GTO
3 climbs
2 165# GTO (failed 1, 2 good)
2 climbs
1 155# GTO (failed 2x at 175#, dropped to 155#)

time 13:13

In garage, Saturday AM

Friday, July 29, 2011

Games WOD 1

Southern IL version of the 2011 Games Event 1:

swim 5 laps (down and back, lenghth of pool) at QCCC
run 1600m
10 rounds of Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats)
run 1470m

time 38:18

I really suck at swimming; I did a lot of backstroke and side stroke after I got tired...about a lap and a half into it. M swim time was around 8 minutes. It took me about a minute more to get the lock put back on the fence.  1600m run time was 8:28.  1470m time was 8:52.

WOD totals:
swim 250m (assuming 25m down)
run 3070m
50 pull ups
100 push ups
150 squats

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Xtreme mowing

Today's WOD was to mow the ditches with some extra weight strapped on my back.  I started out by mowing the ditches on our side of the road with 80# on my back (back pack with a 25# and 35# weight plus my 20# weight vest).  The ditches on the other side are much steeper, so I just wore the 20# weight vest.

My legs were pretty tired after the WOD and I really needed to concenntrate on keeping my core tight or I would start to hunch over and my lower back would get tight.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

800m x3

measured route on and ran around the cirlce then down to north side of unfinished house and back to driveway.

rest 2 min
rest 2 min


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jackie Rxd 9:56

1000m row
50 45# thrusters
30 pull ups

row 3:55
thrusters broken into several sets...should've stretched more pre-WOD.  I wasn't able to get rack position to hold the bar on my shoulders, so the fronts of my shoulders got very tired.

pull ups 12,12,3,3.

Monday, July 25, 2011

weighted ring dips

3 - 50
2 - 60
2 - 60
2 - 70
1 - 75f
1 - 50
1 - 50
1 - 50
1 - 50

I attached my rings to our swing set, put on my weight vest, then added 10# plates to my backpack and put it on to get weight.  Looking back, I maybe could've gone a little heavier on first set, but I struggled with the 3rd rep.  Failed miserably on attempt at 75#.

Right shoulder very tender after the WOD.  It'd been feeling pretty good for the past couple of weeks, so I think I've pinpointed what aggravates it.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


3 rounds:
run 400m
21 53# kb swings
12 pull ups

ran from swingset, straight out to road, then down to Meeks and back.  Pull ups on swing set.

time 10:11

I think this was the first time I did this Rxd when I ran on the road, not a treadmill.  Hoped to go unbroken but did last set of pull ups 7/5.  Running was the weakest part.  Ran 1:42 first 400, then well over 2 on final 2.

Friday, July 22, 2011

wall ball and snatch

my legs are still very sore from the 135# squats a few days ago, so I knew this one would be tough.  Hot day again at lunch...a little cooler in my garage, but still smokin!

Started out to go 30,30,30, but decided midway through first set to go 30,20,10 since I was taking a lot of time to do snatches.

I ended up doing 2 sets 30,20, then quitting. I got a decent blister on my left hand while doing the snatches, which made the last 5 snatch reps even worse.  They turned into power snatch w/overhead squat.

30 20# wall ball 10'
30 70# squat snatch
20 20# wall ball 10'
20 70# squat snatch

Round of 30 -  6:02
Round of 20 -  6:58
WOD time 13:00

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


looked hard. I wasn't dissapointed.  Decided I was gonna do this RX, regardless of how long it took.

7 rounds:
29 135# back squats
400m run

Did this over lunch in garage and around circle.  Heat index 100+. 

Back squats broken each round into 3-4 sets.  Max reps unbroken was 15, but usually get to 10-12, then stop.  runs were mostly walks...too darn hot!  I carried my water jug with me the last 3 400m and tried to stay hydrated.

Time: 51:04

Monday, July 18, 2011

3 rounds:

10 OHS
50 double unders

OHS Rx weight was 135#, but I did:
round 1: 5 @ 135   5 @ 125
round 2: 5 @ 125   5 @ 115
round 3: 10 @ 115

time 9:02.

135 would've been really hard.  125 would've been doable, but dropping to 115 allowed me to keep moving.

felt good on d/u's.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Scheduled rest day

I felt like doing something, but not a lot, so I set the bar on the rack with 130" and got out my 53# kb.  I wasn't timing the WOD, and really didn't go too hard. Mallory helped count my reps:
push press to failure/quit - I think 4 reps (I wasn't warmed up)
30 kb swings
push presses to failure/quit...7
15 L arm swings
15 R arm swings
more push presses, did one set with 150#...I probably did 20 or total in multiple sets

Harold and Jeanne stopped by to drop off some fresh green beans, so I talked to them for a little bit during the last set of push presses. abs are VERY sore from the GHDs on Thursday!

Saturday, July 16, 2011


AMRAP 20 minutes of:

hill runs
10 push ups at the bottom of the hill
10 sit ups at the top of the hill
5 burpees every minute, on the minute

Not sure how many rounds, I had to take Izzy for a potty break about half way through and was out for probably 3 minutes.  The WOD was probably just about the right number of each exercise; we were able to keep moving.  The one minute burpee call seemed to sneak up pretty quickly!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Front Squats


1- 200
10 - 160
1- 220
20 - 150
1 - 230
30 130

Hope to keep the bar in the rack position for all reps, but had to re-adjust on the sets of 20 and 30.  All sets unbroken until I got to the set of 30.  Got 15, set the bar back on the rack, 5 more, then final 10.  The bar was of my shoulder for only 15-20 before I was up and going again.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Joining the wait staff...where's my tip?

3 rounds for time:
100m right arm 50# db waiters walk
30 GHD sit ups
100m left arm 50# db waiters walk
30 back extensions

Time: 17:14
round times: 5:07, 5:54, 6:13

Nice WOD.  I found the waiter's walk to be harder with my right arm than my left.  GHD sit ups touch floor to touch bracket between feet.  I did back extensions done a little further up the machine than usual, had mid-calf on the pad, giving my a bend at my lower waist, rather than the hips...felt like I was using my back a lot more than my glutes and hammies.

I rode my bike to the Depot for this one.  The ride home was not fun...lower back was tiiiiiight!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

HSPU and pull ups

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of HSPU and strict pull ups

I started doing strict HSPU each round, then after I got to the point of only being able to get a single rep, switched to band assisted.  Ended up doing10,4,4,3,2,1,1 strict HSPU and 11,14,11,9,7,6,3 band assisted.

Pull ups were done until failure, then I'd switch grips and keep going.

Time 24:02

Hot in the Depot!

Monday, July 11, 2011

5 rounds for time:

400m run
20 150# deadlift
20 push ups
10 150# deadlift
10 push ups

did this WOD at lunch...severe heat index...feels like 105...don't go outside...

Rx called for 145# deadlift but 150 is such an easier amount to get on my 40# bar, so I went with it.

Got through 3 rounds and quit...too freakin HOT!  Hoped to get all deadlifts unbroken, but broke up sets of 20 (12,8) in rds 2&3.  I still suck at push ups!

Time 17:34

10..1 165# squats and HSPU

in the garage.  HSPU using 10# plates next to abmat for hand position and depth.


most HSUP after the first set of 10 were broken down into sets of 3,2, or 1.

I used my stands to hold the weight, but had to clean and re-rack the weight in the round of 3 a piece of metal on one of the stands bent and the weight fell.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Vacation run

Wisconsin Dells...ran around the .65 loop by our condo.  was planning on doing 20...1 push ups every minute, but that didn't last long.  I did:


finished the .65 loop and quit.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Carry On, my wayward son.

two teams, a tire, 4 sandbags, 4 dumbbells, 2 tire sleds.

We divided weight and set an even amount on each team's side.  Goal was to get as much weight as you could on your side. 
  • The tire stayed in the middle and if it was flipped onto your side, you couldn't pass it without flipping it back to the other team's side. 
  • only one dumbbell could be carried at a time, but you could carry a sandbag with it
  • Bumper plates had to be dragged in the couldn't carry them.
  • You had to either bear crawl or lunge from your side to the other teams side.

Tough WOD.  Vince and I started off strong, and was able to keep more weight on our side for quite a while.  John and Tim stayed strong and kept moving weight.  They ended up with more on their side...we didn't need to count... it was obvious.  they had more weight, but we all won.  Nice WOD!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday morning in the park

met on the hill at Washington Park...4 guys, 3 sandbags, 95# barbell, 53# kb.

One guy takes sandbag from top of hill down the north side of the hill, across the walking path, switches shoulders, and comes back up the hill.  He gets the next sandbag, repeat, next sandbag repeat.

the other 3 guys are doing AMRAP 75# GTO, sandbag burpees, and kb swings.  They rotate to a different exercise as the sandbag carrier changes sandbags.  We each took turns doing the sandbags and counting reps for the other three exercises.  After we each took our turns, there was one rep difference b/t teams.  Great competition!

Then we did a sandbag relay, down and up the hill (same route as above), each teammate did all 3 bags. 

Final relay was barbell farmer carry down and back (about 15 yards down the south side of the hill) with each arm and bear crawl.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


partner WOD with Tim.  All done with 20# med ball.  It could never touch the ground.

400m run (200m w/o ball, 200m with ball)
100 mountain climbers each
50 sit ups each
100 slalom jumps
50 wall ball/teeter totter.. throw the ball back and forth with wall ball shot motion
400m run

I tried to do sit ups with ball, but onl did 15 of first 25 then 10 of next 25 with ball.

No idea how long WOD was, but I liked it!

Friday, July 1, 2011

5 rounds:

225# max reps back squats
7 burpee box jumps 20"

reps, running time
7, 1:31
2, 2:59
2, 4:19
3, 5:52
3, 7:17

did some cleans with a full squat after the catch at 115#, then a couple at 165#, then 115# thrusters.
cashed out with some handstand work...walked side to side on the wall.