Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday morning in the park

met on the hill at Washington Park...4 guys, 3 sandbags, 95# barbell, 53# kb.

One guy takes sandbag from top of hill down the north side of the hill, across the walking path, switches shoulders, and comes back up the hill.  He gets the next sandbag, repeat, next sandbag repeat.

the other 3 guys are doing AMRAP 75# GTO, sandbag burpees, and kb swings.  They rotate to a different exercise as the sandbag carrier changes sandbags.  We each took turns doing the sandbags and counting reps for the other three exercises.  After we each took our turns, there was one rep difference b/t teams.  Great competition!

Then we did a sandbag relay, down and up the hill (same route as above), each teammate did all 3 bags. 

Final relay was barbell farmer carry down and back (about 15 yards down the south side of the hill) with each arm and bear crawl.

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