Monday, July 4, 2011

Carry On, my wayward son.

two teams, a tire, 4 sandbags, 4 dumbbells, 2 tire sleds.

We divided weight and set an even amount on each team's side.  Goal was to get as much weight as you could on your side. 
  • The tire stayed in the middle and if it was flipped onto your side, you couldn't pass it without flipping it back to the other team's side. 
  • only one dumbbell could be carried at a time, but you could carry a sandbag with it
  • Bumper plates had to be dragged in the couldn't carry them.
  • You had to either bear crawl or lunge from your side to the other teams side.

Tough WOD.  Vince and I started off strong, and was able to keep more weight on our side for quite a while.  John and Tim stayed strong and kept moving weight.  They ended up with more on their side...we didn't need to count... it was obvious.  they had more weight, but we all won.  Nice WOD!

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