5 minutes hand release push ups
Row 5 minutes
3 rounds: 800m run, 50 65# straight leg dead lifts, 50 sit ups (switched b/t anchored under sofa and unanchored)
Runs were around around the circle plus the little spike to that stop sign on the corner of Robinwood and Lincoln...roughly 725m. The rest of the work was done in the basement.
32 degrees outside, did this WOD with Macy.
Time 29:41
Scaled push ups either to black box or tailgate of truck (F150)
Completed 12 rounds plus 5 pull ups and 6 push ups (truck)
Pus ups as follows (split rounds were Rx/black box, truck means all 10 done on tailgate): 10,10, 10,7/3,6/4,8/2,7/3,8/2,4/6,4/6,truck,truck
Totals 65 pull ups, 74 push ups, 27 ploy box push ups, 26 truck push ups, 180 air squats
Macy got 15 rounds plus 5 pull ups and 6 push ups using wooden box w 45# bumper to do jumping pull ups and black box for push ups after the first 2 rounds
Workout over lunch with Macy
Macy 105,115,115,95,95,100,100,105,105
Jason 175,185,205,185,185,185,185,185,195,185
Push ups 10,6,4,4,4,4,3,3=38
Sit ups 8,8,8,8,7,7,7,7= 60
Squats 15,13,12,12,12,12,13,13=102