Monday, March 7, 2011

CrossFit at the Arnold

What a great weekend!

Started off by doing Fran, then we were put into teams based on our times. My PR before this was 5:27 and I hoped to beat that time, with my ultimate goal of a sub 5. I got through 21 thrusters unbroken, but was worn down more than I thought I would be. Second and third round of thrusters consisted of several breaks. Time = 6:47. Turns out our 95# thrusters at the depot were probably more like 90# since the bumpers are light...BIG DIFFERENCE!

Team events were next. I had the middle section of the 2010 Games finals WOD which was 7 minutes of 30 toes to bar and 15 95# GTO. I got 90 reps (2 full rounds). Pretty happy with that one.

Second event was team Grace - 90 reps of 135# GTO. The other 2 guys on the team were much stronger and decided they'd go all out and I'd just jump in when they got tired. I ended up doing 10 unbroken, then got 8 more during their breaks.

Third event was to pick up a 100# slam balls, carry it to the wall, "toss" it over, climb the wall, pick the ball up, and run back to the line. Not sure how many reps I got, but it was fun.

After that, my team was tied with Tim's so we had a final event. 6 60# balls had to be carried by our team from a line, down aroud the wall on the other end, and brought back. I showed off my blazing speed and strength, and got last, so our team was done...or so we thought.

We were added to the next event, which was 10 minutes of 225# axle deadlift, while the other 2 guys were running laps. Since I couldn't lift the axle, I was the designated runner. I just ran laps while the other guys did their thing. We didn't make the cut. Game over!

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