Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012...what's up?

Goals for 2012:

100 burpees to finish burpee challenge in less than 7:30

CrossFit total of 825

Handstand walk - 50 ft

Better flexibility for front squats...get to a comfortable squat clean.

Friday, December 30, 2011


Friday WOD: Michael(ish)
3 rounds
run for 4:30
AMRAP Sit ups 2:15
AMRAP back extensions 2:15

Run: .61, .50, .42 = 1.53
Sit ups: 45,42,40=127
Back ext: 42,43,35=120

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Press, push, jerk

Press 1,1,1,1,1. 135,140,145,150f,145f,135
Push press 3,3,3,3,3. 135,155,160,165,170(1)
Jerk 5,5,5,5,5. 140,145,150,160,145

WOD at Depot with Kent and Nathan

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2011 WODstar Christmas Break competition

Ok, so this wasn't really the championship, but this litte write up makes it seem like one:

The 2011 WODstar Christmas Break Champions are Tim Gallion and Nathan Peters. They clipped the runner up team of William Kent Thomas and Jason Sutfin 234-231 in a down-to-the-wire championship event. Gallon and Peters took a commanding 155-144 lead into halftime and held off a late surge by Thomas and Sutfin to hold on for the title.

The event, which consisted of sandbag clean & jerks, prowler pushes, tire flips, sandbag carries, atlas stone carries, and db hang power snatches, was the first of its kind and is sure to become an annual event.

Tim Gallion was voted MVP, while Thomas and Peters were voted to the all-tournament team.

Contact Jason Sutfin for sponsorship information.


2 man team WOD. We partnered up with a member of the opposing team and worked for reps (points) while the opponent dead the heavy work until complete, then we switched places and did it again. 2x Prowler push while the other guy did AMRAP sandbag clean and jerk, 4x sandbag carry while the other guy did tire flips, 2x atlas stone carry while the other guy did db hang power snatch.

We did 4 rounds...we cut the rounds in half for the final two (1x prowler, 2x sandbag, 1x atlas stone). The prowler push was horrible! Overall, a nice WOD.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

AMRAP 15 minutes

Warmed up with overhead only and 95#.

35# dumbbells
7 db burpees
7 squat cleans
7 push press

7 rounds plus 3 burpees

Tim Nathan kent

Monday, December 26, 2011

CF Football

5 minutes hspu.. ...............31
4 minutes ctb pull ups..........41
3 minutes hand release push ups.45
2 minutes supine ring dips......16
1 minute bar dips...............12

AM Wod with Tim at Depot

Thursday, December 22, 2011

12 Days of Christmas

‎12 Days of Christmas - 46:50...

1 20m lunges
2 handstand push up
3 5x squat+30"boxjump
4 ring dips
5 95# push press
6 20m shuttle run (6x down and back)
7 toes to bar
8 40# db thrusters
9 burpees
10 20# wallball shots
11 53# kb swings
12 pull ups

The wallball, burpee, thruster combo was brutal.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wall ball and pull ups

7 rounds for time:
10 wallball shots (20# ball, 10' target)
10 pull ups

time 6:53

all unbroken, one missed wall ball

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

5 tons

complete 3 lifts of CFT (back squat,deadlift,press), one lift at a time until accumulate 10,000 pounds.

1 225 275 120 620 620
2 235 325 140 700 1320
3 255 325 140 720 2040
4 275 325 120 720 2760
5 275 325 150 750 3510
6 255 345 140 740 4250
7 265 345 140 750 5000
8 275 325 140 740 5740
9 255 295 140 690 6430
10 265 325 140 730 7160
11 265 275 150 690 7850
12 245 295 140 680 8530
13 265 315 150 730 9260
14 255 285 120 660 9920
15 195 195 10115

Monday, December 19, 2011

‎Monday's WOD: 2 rounds...AMRAP:
40# DB Thrusters for 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Dynamic Push Ups for 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
75# Snatch for 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Burpee Box Jumps for 1 minute (24" box)
Rest 1 minute

40# db thrusters 20, 15
dynamic push ups onto 25# and 35# bumpers stacked 16,14
75# power snatch 14,14
24" burpee box jumps 10,11

Friday, December 16, 2011

Holy Lower Back, Batman!

3 rounds for time:
100# db farmer carry (20m down, switch hands, 20m back)
30 45# virtual shovel (bumper over 24" box jump)
20 one arm barbell press (empty barbell)
10 135# suitcase lift

I did 1/2 of the reps with each arm each round.

Times at the end of each round (round time):
6:21 (6:21)
16:06 (9:45)
27:14 (11:08)

Excruciating! Tough on lower back during the shoveling and it carried over to the other lifts.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

bear complex


No penalties!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


5 3 minute rounds of:
3 hang cleans
6 push ups
9 squats

1. 4 +6 push ups
2. 4 +6 push ups
3. 4 +3 squats
4. 5 +2 cleans
5. 5

125# round 1.
115# rounds 2-5

WOD totals 77 cleans, 150 push ups, 201 squats

Monday, December 12, 2011


AMRAP 20 minutes:
run 400m
max reps pull ups

Our run ended up being 510m.

5 full rounds plus 510m run, just over 20 minutes.

pull ups: 25,18,16,17,14

WOD totals 3060m 90 pull ups

28f temp outside...5:30am WOD. Ran from east door at Depot down to manhole cover at the intersection of Franklin and Mulberry.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

rowing and push ups

Row 5 minutes
5 minutes hand release push ups
Row 5 minutes (20 strokes/minute)

71 push ups

Friday, December 9, 2011


At Depot with CC WODstars.

5:54 Rx.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


@ Depot with Kent, Nathan, and Zach.

5:23 Rx.

Previous PR = 5:27.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

17 rounds plus 2 pull ups

87 pull ups, 170 push ups, 255 squats

Box jump 37.5"

Monday, December 5, 2011

Tabata...CrossFit Terre Haute style

This was CF TH's WOD one day last week. Used this to get start benchmarking for our group.

warm up 250m for time (resistance 10) 45.3

Push Ups (hand release) 13,9,8,8,7,7,7,7
53# kb swings 10,10,9,9,9,9,9,9
sit ups (unancored, no abmat) 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,9
burpees 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5
50# db snatch (alternate arms each set) 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6

lowest rep score = 35
total reps 293

shouldn't have done 13 push ups first time go for 8 every time
may be able to get another sit up. 10 swings each time...ouch!
burpees and snatch probably at my limit

Friday, December 2, 2011


Again Faster Competition Team WOD7
2 rounds for time:
20 pull ups
25 30" box jumps
30 185# deadlift
35 burpees

round 1 Rx
round 2 got 3 HSPU, then subbed 2:1 pike push ups off box, I did 24 to make up for 12 HSPU

I messed up setting the clock and it stopped at 7 minutes, sometime near the end of round 1. Round 2 was done in 12:35, so I'm guessing 20-21 minutes total.

both sets of pull ups unbroken, everything else pieced together.