Sunday, July 6...I ran a 6:47 mile, went swimming with my family, I felt real good!
Monday, July 7...I came home after work, helped Brenda make supper, didn't feel quite right, ate, then went into the bedroom and laid down. I spent most of the night and the next day in severe pain (felt like somebody suckerpunched me right in the center of the stomach...just below my ribcage...the pain WOULD NOT go away).
About 5pm Tuesday, Brenda took me to see Doc. The office was closed but a couple of knocks on the back door got me in to see him. Thank God for friends and small towns! He sent me to the hospital to get some tests run and most importantly some pain medication. I had a battery of tests and was sent home the next afternoon. No answers, but as Doc said, "The list of things you don't have is getting longer!"
Wednesday night and Thursday morning were excruciating. I drove to the emergency room (I guess I was expecting to get hooked up to the pain meds for some temporary relief. I was given another GI cocktail (no help), a couple pain pills to take when I got home. Doc prescribed me some additional pain medication that helped relieve some pain, but it never went away.
On Monday, the HIDA scan revealed that my gall bladder wasn't functioning properly and Dr. Scott recommened it be removed...I asked how quickly he could do it. Surgery was scheduled for Wednesday AM. I went to the hospital at 9:30 and when I woke up after the surgery (around 1:30) I felt soooo much better. I felt the pain of the surgery, but nothing like before.
I'm a little more tender today and am not supposed to lift heavy objects for 4-6 weeks. We have a trip to Cancun and I have a business trip to Chicago scheduled during that time. Getting luggage from place to place may turn out to be a challenge!!
I am blessed to have such good friends and family. I can't name all those that have helped out during the past week and a half...we've had meals cooked for us (some excellent food!), our lawn had been mowed, our kids have been taken to the pool, to bible school, to friends houses.
Those who have helped us did so because they are just flat out good and caring people. I know they don't expect anything in return, but these deeds will not go unforgotten!
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