Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pull ups and HSPU

21-18-15-12-9-6 of pull ups (strict, no kipping) and HSPU

did pull ups to failure, then switched grips in the following order: palms down, left up right down, left down right up, and palms up. Did HSPU until I had 6 failures, then used 2 smaller bands (one part of top band tied in a knot) for assistance on remaining HSPU.

HSPU rounds were (strict/band assisted) 8/13, 9/9, 8/7, 11/1, 9, 6, 3

time = 28:06

Faster than last time, but used a difference approach. Last time, used parallettes and bands for most reps. This time I did them from the floor, back to the wall, getting deep enough until I could feel my hair touch the floor.

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