Friday, September 30, 2011

CF Football

skimmed through recent CF Football WODs and picked out a couple I liked:

5 rounds for time:
6 105# power snatch
10 20" step up with 45# db in each hand.

time 12:50

step ups much harder than I thought they'd be. I used hook grip for rounds 2-5. Power snatches were OK, had to press a little bit to lock arms out on most reps.

Death by tire flips. Got 8 rounds plus 8 flips in 9th round. 44 flips in 9 minutes.

Cashed out with 500m row: 1:44.4 damper setting 10. My legs were toast!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

2011 Games WOD

20 calorie row :54
30 20# wall ball 2:50
20 toes to bar 4:11
30 box jumps 6:25
20 SDHP 115# 8:59
30 burpees 12:00
20 135# shoulder to OH 17:02
sled pull tire/yellow rope 24:07

WOD time 24:07

box jumps were done rebound on bottom...pause on the box
STO was press, jerk, split jerk, whatever was needed.
Sled pull distance unknown, just pulled until the rope was too sweaty to hang on to.

Monday, September 26, 2011

deadlift plus one

today's WOD was 3-3-3-3-3 deadlift. after a few sets to warm up, I did:
3-345 (don't think I kept as good of form as I should, so I dropped weight)
3-335 (arched back...dropped weight
1-315 (got one rep, back was tight,dropped to 225 for 2)
pulled few at 135# with straight...pretty tight, so I quit and stretched.

CAshed out with AMARP 15 minutes of:
toes to bar
24" box jump

7 full rounds plus 1 wall ball

Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday x2

Yesterday was a 5k, I didn't do it. So, on today's rest day, I decided to make up a 20 minute AMRAP that I thought I could keep moving on to mimic the work of a 5k. I set out to do AMRAP 20 min of:

down and back x2 (east side to west side of Depot)
12 53# kb swings
atlas stone shoulder x4 (2 each shoulder)

after 3rd round my back was pretty tight, so I ended up doing a 5 rounds for time and got done in 9:55.

I rested a few minutes (3-5) then did 5 rounds for time of:

12 135# back squats (bar starts on the rack)
12 GHD sit ups

time 5:17

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rest day

My lats are SOOOOOORE! Almost painfully sore. Tuesday's Lynne put a hurt on me! My shoulder feels pretty good, but I'm not sure I just don't notice it because my lats hurt so bad.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

2011 Games WOD

I altered WOD to accomodate hurting shoulder (no muscle ups) and being inside the Depot (down and back vs. sprints). I did 4 rounds of:
Row 300m
10 245# deadlift
15 GHD sit ups
3 20yd down and back runs

time 21:32

Deadlift was harder than I thought it was going to be. I think the rows took more out of me than I anticipated. I got 5 DL unbroken in the first set, then get 3-4 to start each of the next 3 rounds. Altered grips throughout, ususually starting each round with overhand grip, then changing to mixed.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


wasn't sure if I was physically able to do Lynne today, but really wanted to give it a shot. My right shoulder has been hurting on and off for the past 10 months and hurt really bad last week, but has felt better the past week since I've laid off of heavy upper body work.

I subbed out push ups with a 45# bumper plate on my back, as far up between my shoulder blades as I could keept it, and took off. Round totals for push ups and pull ups were:


My upper body muscular endurance is almost non-existence. I probably came of the bar a little early on the pull ups, but I was afraid a tweaking my shoulder. I noticed my grip giving out, too, maybe because somebody taped the pull up bar at the Depot and it gets sticky/slippery. Nothing a good chalking won't cure!

I some some lifts with the 160# stone. Didn't shoulder it, but got it up to my chest and hyperextended my back - 5 reps.

Rowed 500m to cash out, hoped to get sub 1:30, but quickly realized my legs and back was shot from the other work. Finished in 1:47.8. Hardly stellar.

Monday, September 19, 2011

double duty

Made up a WOD I missed last week, plus yesterday's.

First WOD was 5 rounds of 35 double unders and 200m run. I was inside and did 5 20 yard down and backs and probably too longer than a 200m sprint. My time was 7:58.

Then did split jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Josh Everett's video where he talked about footwrk....keeping a wide base and a long stretch. It helped! My numbers were:

165, 175,185,200f,200f,190,195f,195(PR)

Cashed out with about 7 minutes of handstand hold.....trying to keep my feet off the wall.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Golden Gloves Fight Gone Bad

Today was the national FGB day. My shoulder feels a lot better, but is still a little sore. So, I adjusted fight gone bad to take care of my shoulder and compensate for the fact that I don't have a rower at home. I did 5 3-minute rounds, with each minute being much lighter weight. My rounds consisted of one minute of:
60# barbell push press
step jumps (bottom step in garage +/-10")
6# 10' wallball shots

scores were:
PP 40,41,29,36,34
jumps 54,52,48,52,41
wallball 26 25 23 22 25

score 648

that's a lot of reps. push presses got pretty hard, muscle failure, but felt OK on my shoulder. It was hard to keep going on the jumps...once I got off balance on a jump it was hard to stay going without stopping and resetting my feet. With the light weight ball, the wallballs were like doing air squats, but I had to stay in tempo with the ball.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

2 WODs in one

CFE from a few months ago:
Row 1 minute, rest...repeat. rest periods are (in seconds) 60,50,40,30,20,10,20,30,40,50.


Meters were down by 53 from last time. Need to work on metcon! Last time

WOD 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of:
50# db left hand snatch
GHD sit ups
double unders

time: 14:59

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Shoulder safe WOD

created a WOD from CFE, CF, and WODshop.

Rowed 2000m - 7:56.8

12 rounds of:
2 240 deadlift - dynamic lifts (work on speed)
handstand hold against wall, but tried to stay upright and not use the wall.

I didn't time this, but just went back and forth b/t exercises.

Death by Shuttle Run: 3 cones in a straight line about 5m apart, start in the middle, run 5, 10, 5 turn around & repeat. I got about 2 steps from finishing 7 in 7 minutes. Almost 28 shuttle in 7 minutes. Did some split stretches after the first 2 minutes.

Monday, September 12, 2011


right shoulder still sore, so I'm doing some WODs to avoid moving it's Annie. Times after each exercise/round were:

New PR 8:57 compared to last time

all DUs were unbroken except round of 20 w/3 errors. Sit ups done on the abmat with hopes of eliminating the "bottom burn".

cashed out with some deep squats 135x5,225x3,245x2,225x3,135x5 and 3 handstand holds.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

b2b tabata squats and mile run

b2b squat totals were 14, 14,14,14,14,13,13,13 and mile run in 7:36.

Squats were hard, but not as terrible as I expected. Coming out of the squat after about the 3rd round hurt.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

WOD with a guest

John Davis was in town working at Marathon so we met up for a WOD. This was a homemade WOD that was supposed to shoulder friendly. I did:
500m run with 25# backpack and 64# sandbag then 1:30 work and :30 rest of each of the following..
90# front squat - 23
110# atlas stone shoulder - 8
Double unders - 70
24" box jumps - 25
500m weighted run

WOD time 16:51

Friday, September 2, 2011

power cleans and bar facing burpees

15-12-9-6-3 of:
135# power cleans
bar facing burpees

time: 9:18

I thought the 135# would get pretty heavy and slow me down, but I think the burpees were worse! I dropped the bar after each clean and tried to re-grip and pull as quickly as I could. Good WOD, just very HOT again in the Depot.

Cashed out with 5 - 135# push press, 3 jerks, and 16 tire flips.