Saturday, September 17, 2011

Golden Gloves Fight Gone Bad

Today was the national FGB day. My shoulder feels a lot better, but is still a little sore. So, I adjusted fight gone bad to take care of my shoulder and compensate for the fact that I don't have a rower at home. I did 5 3-minute rounds, with each minute being much lighter weight. My rounds consisted of one minute of:
60# barbell push press
step jumps (bottom step in garage +/-10")
6# 10' wallball shots

scores were:
PP 40,41,29,36,34
jumps 54,52,48,52,41
wallball 26 25 23 22 25

score 648

that's a lot of reps. push presses got pretty hard, muscle failure, but felt OK on my shoulder. It was hard to keep going on the jumps...once I got off balance on a jump it was hard to stay going without stopping and resetting my feet. With the light weight ball, the wallballs were like doing air squats, but I had to stay in tempo with the ball.

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