Part 1: four movements make up one rep...
1)Deadlift from floor to knees,return bar to floor
2)deadlift from floor to hip, return bar to knee height
3)high pull from knee height to full extension, return bar to floor
4)power clean
Perform 3 reps per set
Work up to heaviest set of 3 reps possible
Part 2:
7 minutes of AMRAP double burpees (2 squats, 2 kickbacks, 2push ups, 2 tucks, 2 jumps)
Did WOD at lunch...did Part 2 first to serve as warm up. I got 10 of the double burpees done, then scrapped that part of the WOD. They were very slow going and I had a few re-dos after I'd start out doing a regular burpee, then have to re-start to ...get the double squat in. Not sure if I just wasn't mentally with it or if the movement should just be thrown out of the arsenal. Other WODstars, what say ye?
Part 1: 95,125,145,165 (failed on final power clean at 165, then reset and got it)
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
db thrusters, burpees, weighted pull ups
Tuesday's WOD: 10 rounds
5 50#/45# db thrusters (alternated weights each round)
sprint 10 yds down and back
rest 15-20 seconds
6 burpees
sprint 10 yds down and back
rest 15-20 seconds
weren't strict on rest times, just picked a time to restart each new round and went with it...usually 15-20 from round finish
time: 17:05
Cashed out with 2 sets of 25# weighted pull ups.. 8 overhand 6 underhand grip
5 50#/45# db thrusters (alternated weights each round)
sprint 10 yds down and back
rest 15-20 seconds
6 burpees
sprint 10 yds down and back
rest 15-20 seconds
weren't strict on rest times, just picked a time to restart each new round and went with it...usually 15-20 from round finish
time: 17:05
Cashed out with 2 sets of 25# weighted pull ups.. 8 overhand 6 underhand grip
Monday, February 27, 2012
tire flips, front squats
4,3,2,1 tire flips (rotate b/t Kent and Nathan)
work up to 1 RM front squat = 255
117 burpees to catch up for yesterday (travel) and today
work up to 1 RM front squat = 255
117 burpees to catch up for yesterday (travel) and today
Friday, February 24, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
For time, do:
100 pull ups
100 sit ups
100 burpees
Exercises can be partitioned or broken up into any number of sets until completed.
I did sets of 10 each...17:07
Double unders amrap 2 minutes 30 seconds rest x3....38,29,57 (normal d/u)
100 pull ups
100 sit ups
100 burpees
Exercises can be partitioned or broken up into any number of sets until completed.
I did sets of 10 each...17:07
Double unders amrap 2 minutes 30 seconds rest x3....38,29,57 (normal d/u)
Friday, February 17, 2012
front squats and deadlift
Buy in: 48 burpees (first 24 w/vest)...untimed
10..1 135# deadlift and front squats
time: 11:11
I sucked a lot of wind...probably took more time than I needed but felt like my legs were shot from the front squats
Rowing: 60:90 x5 for meters 293,284,283,280,270
10..1 135# deadlift and front squats
time: 11:11
I sucked a lot of wind...probably took more time than I needed but felt like my legs were shot from the front squats
Rowing: 60:90 x5 for meters 293,284,283,280,270
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Buy out!
Buy in, for time:
10 burpees
11 rolling burpees
12 25# dumbbell burpees
13 burpees
Complete 5 rounds:
1 Push Press (135#)...1 Strict Chin Up
3 Push Presses (135#)...3 Strict Chin Ups
Max Reps of Push Press (135#)...Max Reps of Strict Chin Ups
(rest while your partner does one round, then switch)
Push Press/Pull Up max rep totals: 8/8, 3/5,3/5, 5/4, 4/4
Time:14:40 (43 push press, 46 pull ups)
Cash out: Rowing
15 s/m (30 max total) 458m 1:41
20 s/m (40 max total) 500m 1:51
500m for times 1:49.3
10 burpees
11 rolling burpees
12 25# dumbbell burpees
13 burpees
Complete 5 rounds:
1 Push Press (135#)...1 Strict Chin Up
3 Push Presses (135#)...3 Strict Chin Ups
Max Reps of Push Press (135#)...Max Reps of Strict Chin Ups
(rest while your partner does one round, then switch)
Push Press/Pull Up max rep totals: 8/8, 3/5,3/5, 5/4, 4/4
Time:14:40 (43 push press, 46 pull ups)
Cash out: Rowing
15 s/m (30 max total) 458m 1:41
20 s/m (40 max total) 500m 1:51
500m for times 1:49.3
burpees with dumbbell,
pull ups,
push press,
rolling burpees,
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Two rounds:
One minute AMRAP burpees
One minute rest
Then immediately do 4 rounds
30 seconds work, followed by 1:00 rest
push ups (clapping, dynamic, hand release, choose)
sit ups (GHD, regular, choose)
squats (full depth!!)
Burpees 28,20
Push ups 11 dynamic, 23 regular, 12 on 4kd med ball, 15 hand release
Sit ups 16, 11ghd, 15, 15
Squats 28,29,31,27
One minute AMRAP burpees
One minute rest
Then immediately do 4 rounds
30 seconds work, followed by 1:00 rest
push ups (clapping, dynamic, hand release, choose)
sit ups (GHD, regular, choose)
squats (full depth!!)
Burpees 28,20
Push ups 11 dynamic, 23 regular, 12 on 4kd med ball, 15 hand release
Sit ups 16, 11ghd, 15, 15
Squats 28,29,31,27
Monday, February 13, 2012
Quarter Gone Bad
Quarter Gone Bad:
5 rounds AMRAP:
15 seconds work, 45 seconds rest
135# thrusters
weighted strict pull ups
Alternate pull up grip each round ...palm up, palm down, alternating, use no weight if needed, but do strict pull ups.
thrusters 5,6,5,6,6
pull ups 3 @ 50#, 4 @ 45#, 4, 4, 4 @ 35#
burpees 8,8,7,8,8
In most sets, I was in the middle of a rep when the timer sounded...I counted them! This was a lunch time WOD after oversleeping this AM = penalty: I did my 44 burpees when I woke up.
5 rounds AMRAP:
15 seconds work, 45 seconds rest
135# thrusters
weighted strict pull ups
Alternate pull up grip each round ...palm up, palm down, alternating, use no weight if needed, but do strict pull ups.
thrusters 5,6,5,6,6
pull ups 3 @ 50#, 4 @ 45#, 4, 4, 4 @ 35#
burpees 8,8,7,8,8
In most sets, I was in the middle of a rep when the timer sounded...I counted them! This was a lunch time WOD after oversleeping this AM = penalty: I did my 44 burpees when I woke up.
100 pull ups,
dumbbell thrusters,
Quarter Gone Bad
Thursday, February 9, 2012
CF Football...Beat the Coach 1.2
20 burpees for time :41
Rest one minute
20 burpees for time :46
WOD: One power clean, one hang clean, one push jerk every 30 seconds for 10 minutes.
Started with 155# and got 3 minutes (6 reps) then failed next attempt. Dropped to 145 for one rep, failed on second, then dropped to 135 for remaining. I was able to get 135 when I failed in 145, so the only time I didn't get a rep in was on the 155 failure.
Rest one minute
20 burpees for time :46
WOD: One power clean, one hang clean, one push jerk every 30 seconds for 10 minutes.
Started with 155# and got 3 minutes (6 reps) then failed next attempt. Dropped to 145 for one rep, failed on second, then dropped to 135 for remaining. I was able to get 135 when I failed in 145, so the only time I didn't get a rep in was on the 155 failure.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
snatch, ring dips, burpee pull ups
For time, do:
8..1 75# snatch
1..8 ring dips
then 39 burpee pull ups
time 12:12
8..1 75# snatch
1..8 ring dips
then 39 burpee pull ups
time 12:12
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
burpees, wallball and back squats
10..1 burpees
1..10 wall ball w/weight vest
8:58 (suck factor of this WOD=9.7/10)
3-3-3-3-3 back squats
1..10 wall ball w/weight vest
8:58 (suck factor of this WOD=9.7/10)
3-3-3-3-3 back squats
Monday, February 6, 2012
8 sets or 20 reps, whichever comes first for total weight
last time (6/23/11):
3 x 115
3 x 125
3 x 135
2 x 145
1 x 155
2 x 165
1 x 175
0 x 135
last time (6/23/11):
3 x 115
3 x 125
3 x 135
2 x 145
1 x 155
2 x 165
1 x 175
0 x 135
Friday, February 3, 2012
AMRAP 12 minutes
3 140# push press
5 33.5" box jumps
14 rounds + 3 push press and 2 box jumps
WOD totals: 45 push press, 72 box jumps
35' down and back...carry 45# bumper one way, drop it run back. Each time you retrun to starting side, do burpees...2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2. Total 10 round trips. Time 4:51
5 33.5" box jumps
14 rounds + 3 push press and 2 box jumps
WOD totals: 45 push press, 72 box jumps
35' down and back...carry 45# bumper one way, drop it run back. Each time you retrun to starting side, do burpees...2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2. Total 10 round trips. Time 4:51
Thursday, February 2, 2012
315 (315)
345 (345)
330 (335)
330 (315x1)
330 (no attempt)
3 man rotation
4..1 tire flips with hop in/out
3..1 110# stone shoulder
345 (345)
330 (335)
330 (315x1)
330 (no attempt)
3 man rotation
4..1 tire flips with hop in/out
3..1 110# stone shoulder
atlas stones,
deadlift 3-3-3-3-3,
tire flips
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Thrusters 3-3-3-3-3-3-3
175 (got 2 plus a front squat)
170 (got 2 plus 3/4 of no. 3)
Good WOD!
175 (got 2 plus a front squat)
170 (got 2 plus 3/4 of no. 3)
Good WOD!
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