Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Group WOD at my house

WOD II today

buy in - 1 minute AMRAP burpees = 26

3 stations:
tire sled pull (no weight) about 60m
box jumps
135# deadlift

3 rounds (each round is 2x through each station) with 1 minute rest b/t rounds

each round consists of each athlete rotating through exercises 2x.  2 guys are doing max reps of box jumps and deadlift, as long as it takes the other guy to pull the sled down and sprint back (or vice versa, depending on the location of the sled when he starts).  No deadlifts can be done until the athlete takes the weight from ground to overhead 1x.

You end up doing each exercise 6 times, my totals were:

deadlift 15,19,17,14,12,11
box jumps 14,15,11,9,18,11

not 100% of scores (we all started writing scores down on the same t-chart, then after a couple rounds I transposed mine over to a new chart) but it's as close as I can get.

I ate a few gnats during the WOD...damn bugs!

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