Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Three Amigos

okay, corny title, but this was a WOD I created for 3 people to do and Three Amigos was a better choice than Three Stooges...or was it?

warmed up with :30 AMRAP of pull ups, push ups, sit ups, squats...clock running 2 minutes total

WOD was 3 stations...sandbags, 95# push press, and kettlebell swings.

Start with one athlete (A, B & C) at each station.  A does AMRAP push press, B does AMRAP kb swings, and C carries the one sandbag about 20m, drops it and does 5 burpees (jumping over the sandbag on each burpee) then picks it up and returns to starting point and drops it.  The ahtletes rotate stations.  A does swings, B does sandbag, C does push press.  As the rotations continue, each time an athlete picks up a sandbag, he grabs a lighter bag than he used the last time he did sandbags.  In long form, here's what it looks like, round by round:

A 80# sandbag, B push press, C swings
C 80# sandbag, A push press, B swings
B 80# sandbag, C push press, A swings
A 64# sandbag, B push press, C swings
C 64# sandbag, A push press, B swings
B 64# sandbag, C push press, A swings.
A 50# sandbag, B push press, C swings
C 50# sandbag, A push press, B swings
B 50# sandbag, C push press, A swings
A 42# sandbag, B push press, C swings
C 42# sandbag, A push press, B swings
B 42# sandbag, C push press, A swings

Scored by counting reps on push press and swings, which was really a factor of how quickly the other guys were doing the sandbag/burpee part of the WOD.  95# was probably too heavy for push press, 75# would've allowed us to keeping going longer b/t breaks.  Swings were just about right, however keeping going the entire time was tough, not sure it ever happened!

Nice WOD!

1 comment:

Vince said...

Was this a 30 second amrap per station? No breaks? Sounds fun!