Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Scaled WOD:

Foam roller and stretching to start WOD.  Used the bands to stretch wrists and ankle a la Mobility WOD.    Did a handstand hold and realized active shoulders are the key to not getting tired too soon.  Other days when I've done them, my shoulders and arms wear out too quickly.  When I keep my shoulders active, I'm not using my muscles as much to stay upside down.  Sometime I'll try HS holds and utilize the active shoulder and see what kind of times I can get.  I've got to beat my daughter in a handstand contest this summer...or at least make her work harder!!

Scaled back main site WOD over lunch hour, I did:

5 95# OHS
10 toes to bar
15 40# db squat cleans
20 double unders

started WOD doing 115# OHS, but felt a little tightness in my back, do I immediatley dropped down to 95# and re-started.  Felt good on OHS the rest of the way.  squat cleans took it out of me.  I probably would've been better to drop weight down, maybe even to 25# and keep moving, but it did feel good to get the full squat depth on the cleans.

Ended up doing 2 rounds in 7:19, the rested for about 3 minutes, and finished the 3rd round at the 15:35 mark.  End of WOD.

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