Thursday, May 26, 2011

uneven WOD

AMRAP 15 minutes
4 - 135 Ground to overhead (50# on one side, 40# on the other side, 2 reps then switch sides)
4 - man makers with a 25# and 35# dumbbell

I put some athletic tape on the barbell just outside where my hands grip the bar.  That way I couldn't "cheat" by moving my hands to compensate for the uneven weight.

My version of the man maker is to pick up the dumbbells, then squat and kick back to a push up position, pull one dumbbell to your chest, then the other, jump feet up b/t dumbbells, stand up and squat clean dumbbells, do a thruster, then two lunges with weight over head.  I did 2 reps, then turn around so the heavier weight was on the other arm.

I got 4 full rounds, plus 2 GTO.  Totals = 18 GTO, 16 man makers.

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