Friday, October 21, 2011

Double Duty today...

Main site rest day, but I saw 2 WODs I thought looked good, so I did both of them.

WOD#1 - Lipson
21-15-9 165# (185# Rx) back squat & 53# kb swings
Can't use a rack, you must start with the the barbell on the ground and get it to your shoulders. Big incentive to go unbroken!
Got round of 21 unbroken; dropped it once on 15, then failed one attempt at a clean; 9 unbroken

Time 8:24

WOD#2 - You Challenge (modified slightly)
3 rounds of one minute each for reps:
bar dips 20,12,8
135# ground to overhead 5,3,4
95# OHS 3,2,0
55# dumbbell snatch 11,12,16
push ups 18,14,11
total score = 139

made sure of good range of motion on each exercise. Once I got to failure on dips, they were 1-2 at at time. After the dips, the GTO seemed HEAVY on the press so I had to make sure I jerked it and lock out my arms. It was hard to recover from GTO to get the OHS, hard to keep my arms locked out and my shoulders active to keep the weight overhead. Snatches were mental, just had to keep going. I still suck at push ups, especially after the dips and GTO!

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