Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sat AM double duty

Met Tim and Jared at Depot for 6AM WOD.

WOD 1 was tabata. double unders. Score is lowest total on any round, but I decided to go for max total reps. My scores

we're 32, 14,21,25,25,20,16,23.

WOD 2 was October Painstorm. Load a barbell with weight and accumulate as many points as possible using the following scale....deadlift 1, squat clean 3, ground to overhead 4, thruster 5, snatch 10.

I used 130# and wasn't able to snatch so I loaded up on gto. Ended up with 46 so, 9 squat cleans, 48 gto, 3 thrusters for a total of 300 points.

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