Tuesday, November 30, 2010


tweaked the WOD a little, changed it to an AMRAP...ours was done like this:

AMRAP 20 minutes:
5 towel pull ups
29 95# back squats
1 100# db farmers carry (one in each hand)

6 full rounds +5 p/u and 18 squats

full round times: 2:04, 2:34, 2:56, 3:36, 3:25, 3:43

Towel pull ups unbroken, except one set. Tried to rep out 10-15 back squats to start each round, then broke the rest up as needed. They never seemed to get too heavy to do, just a lot of work! Farmers carry was harder than I thought it would be. Grip got fried from the pull ups and leg strength zapped from the squats made it hard to hang on. I walked from pullup bar on the squat rack closest to the door over to the left side of bench press, turned around and came back.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Row v Run

rainy outside, so Jared and I decided to row today's WOD...

2000m 8:08.1
rest 3 minutes
1500m 6:10.5
rest 2 minutes
1000m 4:09.6
rest 1 minute
500m 1:56.4

WOD time = 20:24.6

Rowing is (can be) brutal. It's a lot more work when you've got someone beside you to compete with! Jared beat me on this WOD by .1 seconds.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


First WOD after Thanksgiving...
25# pull ups 6,4,2,2,2,2,2,3
42# sandbag squats (front squat hold) 7,10,10,8,9,10,9,10
53# kb swings 9,8,9,9,8,9,9,9
150# deadlift 8,8,7,7,6,5,7,8

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey Trot 5k

Ran/walked this one with Macy. I wore my 20# vest.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

CorkBowl 20

I've been taking some time off. I hurt my right shoulder doing burpees in the Lumberjack 20 a couple weeks ago and finally decided I need to let it rest. Rest. Usually that's a hard thing to do. Being hurt it pretty tough mentally...discouraging is probably a better word!

Anyway, played in CorkBowl today. I thought I was in pretty good shape, and probably am, but was really surprised how worn out I got during the game. Running clock, 25 minutes per quarter. No running plays, so you're either in man to man coverage on defense or trying to get open as a WR on offense.

Tough game. running in cleats (especially new ones) isn't easy. Great WOD!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

hang power clean

rowed 80 watts 30 seconds, 120 watts 30 seconds, 160 watts 1:00, 250 watts 30 seconds
115x3 warm up

misread WOD and did 3x5 instead of 3x7


tabata row (20:10) for yards. Yds each interval were:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

30 seconds of $%^&!

warmed up with 1000m race on rower against Jared. Time was 3:50

AMRAP 20 minutes of:
30 second handstand hold
30 second squat hold
30 second l-sit hold
30 second hang with chin above bar

5 full rounds plus handstand, squat, and 15 seconds of L-sit

round times:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hang Power Snatch

did a little warm up (double unders, GHD, OHS w/bar, strict pull ups, samson stretches).

did one HPS at 95# to get a feel for it, the WOD:

125F (no confidence)
120F (lacking confidence)
125F (no confidence in getting under the bar)
125...boo yah!

cashed out with 2 115# OHS

Monday, November 15, 2010

400m and deadlift

AMRAP in 12 minutes:
400m run
5 deadlift

I put 295# on the bar and took off. Ran .25 miles on treadmill.

4 rounds plus .06 mile

kept round times, but forgot to look after 1, so here's 2-4:
2) 5:30
3) 8:27
4) 11:15

Saturday, November 13, 2010

WOD Plethora

At Depot with Jared.

First: 4 rounds for time of:
100ft lunges with 45# overhead
30 box jumps
20 wall ball
10 GHD sit ups
10 53# kb swings

time: 24:55

round times: 5:47, 6:26, 6:28, 6:14

Second: do as many 53# kb swings in 3 minutes as you can, while wearing an 18# vest (it was the 20# but we took out 2# so our arms wouldn't rub the vest). I got 62 swings.

Third: death by 10m runs (shuttle). 15 full rounds.

Stick a fork in me!

Friday, November 12, 2010


5 rounds for time:
run 400m
15 95# OHS

time: 18:51 Rx. First ever Rx Nancy!! 400m outside from back door of Depot, south on Cross to Sycamore, over to Franklin, and back to Depot

round times:
1. 1:35, 3:00
2. 5:09, 7:19
3. 9:21, 11:18
4. 13:42, 15:22
5. 17:39. 18:51

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Death by 10m x2

Set two medicine balls up, 10m apart on the baseball side of the Depot. One was even with north side of the northernmost column, the other was lined up with the edge of the first full panel north of the south column. Each 10m run was with BOTH feet past the ball and one hand touching the ground.

Ran 10m first minute (down), 20m second minute (down and back), 30m third minute (down, back,down)...until I couldn't complete required amount.

I got full 14 minutes plus 14 in the 15th minute.

Followed it up immediately with Death by Broad Jump...same distance. Got 4 full minutes, plus 4 in 5th minute.

Monday, November 8, 2010

no shoulders for me!

Right shoulder was tweaked during the Lumberjack. Oddly enough, during burpees. During the burpees I felt a pop/twinge...like a muscule.

Until it feels better, I'm doing non-shoulder WODs, probably a lot of running, sit ups, and squats!

Today, I did:

100/80/60/40/20 double unders
10/8/6/4/2 135# squats
25/20/15/10/5 GHD sit ups

time 20:19

couldn't keep a rhythm with double unders after first round. Need to keep working on them after doing leg work!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

active rest...

100 d/u 2:11
75 d/u 1:56
50 d/u :37
25 d/u :25

Friday, November 5, 2010

Lumberjack 20

Time: 31:16

WOD specs with running times at end of each:

20 275# deadlift 1:51
400m run 4:03
20 54# kb swings 5:19
400m run 7:42
20 95# OHS (9,6,5) 11:42
400m run 14:02
20 burpees 15:59
400m run 18:40
20 pull ups 19:38
400m run 21:59
20 bench jumps (+/- 18") 23:05
400m run 25:39
20 45# db squat cleans 28:40
400m run 31:16

runs on treadmil .25 miles

Thursday, November 4, 2010

30 squat clean and jerk for time

make up WOD from last week.

5 @ 153
25 @ 115
time 9:24

spent a lot of time stretching and doing cleans pre-WOD to try and get loose enough to be able to do the squat cleans. Ended up getting full squats, but almost all where done with a catch then squat. Pretty smooth, but for the most part I wasn't letting the bar rest on my shoulders.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


5 rounds for time:
20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats
rest precisely 3 minutes between rounds

round times:

work time = 26:43
total including 12 minutes rest = 38:43

Completed all of one exercise before moving on to the next. I think this is my PR.

Pull ups unbroken.
Push ups round 3,4, & 5 were terrible, broken down to singles by the end.
Sit ups broken down,too, just tried to keep going.
Squats were pretty well unbroken. Round 3 the quickest!

Monday, November 1, 2010

5 rounds for time:

5 muscle ups
10 burpee pull ups

Round 1: HSPU back towards wall
Round 2:3 HSPU back towards wall, then 5 pike/incline off bench
Rounds 3-5: HSPU facing wall

Time 19:39
round times:3:50, 3:52, 3:50, 3:51, 4:16

Failed on one m/u in last round, probably accounted for the time difference in rounds. Right shoulder felt a little tight/weak and I was a little unsure on the HSPU, so I faced wall to make it a little easier.