Tuesday, November 30, 2010


tweaked the WOD a little, changed it to an AMRAP...ours was done like this:

AMRAP 20 minutes:
5 towel pull ups
29 95# back squats
1 100# db farmers carry (one in each hand)

6 full rounds +5 p/u and 18 squats

full round times: 2:04, 2:34, 2:56, 3:36, 3:25, 3:43

Towel pull ups unbroken, except one set. Tried to rep out 10-15 back squats to start each round, then broke the rest up as needed. They never seemed to get too heavy to do, just a lot of work! Farmers carry was harder than I thought it would be. Grip got fried from the pull ups and leg strength zapped from the squats made it hard to hang on. I walked from pullup bar on the squat rack closest to the door over to the left side of bench press, turned around and came back.

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