Thursday, February 17, 2011


50-40-30-20-10 double unders and sit ups
I had one miss in the 50 & 40 rounds, unbroken on 30, and two misses on the 20 & 10 round of d/u. Sit ups done with feet unanchored...surprisingly, this was a much quicker way for me to do sit ups. Doing anchored sit ups, my hip flexors get real tired causing me to take breaks. I think my pace may have been slightly slower, but was able to keep moving pretty well.

Times after each exercise were:

time = 9:05 new PR!!!


CF Football WOD:
7 rounds: 1 5-10-5 shuttle, 10 clapping push ups, 1- 9' touches (tape hanging from ceiling)
Started out and seemed to be easy, but the push ups and touches got pretty hard in the 3rd round, as my times indicate!

Total time=10:56 round times=:58, 1:09, 1:34, 2:03, 1:48, 1:41, 1:43

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