I've followed, scaling when necessary, the WODs (Workout of the Day) from CFHQ (Crossfit Headquarters) and "Zoned" my diet. I'm not 100% in the zone. I measure and weigh most proteins and fats and have virtually elminated processed carbs and sugars. I've built a garage gym in my basement (is that possible?) with enough inexpensive equipment to do almost everything required for the WODs. More on that on a different post.
I originally started Crossfit out of vanity...I wanted bigger muscles...I wanted a physique like some of the guys from the videos on the Crossfit site. Since I started doing this, I've had quite a few of the "A-ha!" moments. Now, I still want bigger muscles, but there's more to it. So why am I doing this?
I want to be able to throw my daughters really high in the swimming pool.
I want to be able to carry them up to bed without sucking wind by the time I get to their bedroom.
I want to be physically fit. The crossfit explanation of fitness is outstanding.
I want to get better...at Crossfitting. I want to lift more, do more reps faster, beat my times, etc. The WODs are extremely mentally and physically demanding. I know I can do them, I just have to believe and keep believing I can get through them. Check out Fight Gone Bad. This is one of my favorite workouts. Next time I do it, I want more reps than I did last time. I don't care how many YOU can do...I'm challenging myself.
I love the variety. I don't know if I'll be running, jumping, doing sit-ups, pull-ups, or all of the above for tomorrow's workout.
I feel lighter, quicker, stonger than I used to be.
Much of the Crossfit methodology is a 180 from what I have learned, read, and been told by muscleheads and PE teachers. What were you taught about breathing when you lift? Check this out and think about what Rip says. Makes sense, doesn't it? I haven't done a bicep curl or leg extension since I started crossfitting. I don't have a clue, and don't care, how much I can benchpress. Most of my workouts take about 30 minutes (including warm-up) and I'm done...after most workouts, stick a fork in me, I'M DONE!
So where do I go from here? For the next 30 days, I'm going to Zone and do the WOD as Rx (allowing for subs due to lack of equipment). I'm interested to see if I follow it strictly, how I feel after 30 days.
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