Today's WOD as RX is:
45 double unders (jump rope...for each jump the rope goes under twice)
45 135# squat cleans
45 ring dips
45 double unders
I scale as follows:
tuck jumps (both feet flat on the ground, jump high into the air and tuck your knees into your chest)
45 115# cleans (I can't get into the deep squat position and can't get 135#)
45 dips each of the following equals one dip (1 ring dip, 2 bar dips, 3 bench dips)
45 tuck jumps
When I did dips, I did as many ring dips as I could, then moved immediatley to bar dips requiring 2 bar dips to equal one ring dip, then moved to bench dips requiring 3 to equal one ring dip.
Did as scaled in about 20 minutes (actual time was 21:22 but I stopped for a minute or so to take care of Isabelle prior to final tuck jumps. Triceps are feeling the dips!
Is it rest day yet?
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