Sunday, June 29, 2008

Lynne came by for a visit

Today's WOD was Lynne. Many of the WODs are named after female crossfitters or Heroes (individuals who have lost their life serving you and I, like soldiers, police officers, and firefighters). To see a listing, click here then scroll down to #4.

As Rx, Lynne consists of 5 rounds of max number of reps of bodyweight bench press then max number of reps of pullups. This workout is the only WOD I've done so far that reminds me at all of how I used to work out...trying to pump up my arms and chest.

I weigh 158# and since I don't have a bench press, I use my bowflex and set the weight at 180#. Here's how I compared today to last time (in parenthesis) I did Lynne (3/8/08) on each set. Bench Press / Pullups:
  1. 33(22) / 31(19)
  2. 20(11) / 20(8)
  3. 17(6) / 18(9)
  4. 14(6) / 15(5)
  5. 12(4) / 14(4)

I'm seeing progress in muscular endurance...last set I did 12 bench press vs. 4 in March and 14 pullups vs. 4 in March.

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