Thursday, June 26, 2008

In the Zone?

Here's my lunch today, a typical 4 block meal. It includes:
  • a turkey sandwich - 2 oz turkey (2 Protein), .5 oz. colby jack cheese (.5 P), one slice whole wheat bread (2 Carbs)
  • 1/2 cantaloupe (1 Carb)
  • 1/2 C grapes (1 Carb)
  • 3/8 C cottage cheese (1.5 Protein)
  • 12 almonds (4 Fat)

I weighed and measured this meal get a proper 4-block meal for the photo. I've got a pretty good idea of how much of what makes a block, but still refer to my chart quite a bit when eating at home. Most of the time, I'll ballpark quantities. When I do measure and weigh, I get some funny glances from my wife! ;)

When I eat out, I try to avoid processed carbs or foods with a high glycemic index (pasta, bread, fries, chips, noodles). I ususally look for something green (salad, asparagus, spinach, etc) and try to build my meal from there. Eating pizza can be interesting since the toppings can blocked , but to stay close to form, I generally avoid the crust.

Sometimes it seems like a lot of work, but I feel great and for the most part don't miss what I'm not eating.

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