Saturday, October 30, 2010

Team WOD at RHS

WOD with Tim, Mike Richart, and John Ireland.

3 rounds as a team:

Run 800m Indian style
then as a team, pick up 2 sandbags (50# and 64#) and complete:
21,15,9 rope climb (attached to practice goal post)
42, 30, 18 ground to overhead (125# uneven by 10#)
63, 45, 27 dead lift
84, 60, 36 box jumps

Sandbags can not touch the ground until all reps are completed.

first round, did 21, 42,63,84...2nd round did 15,30,45,60...

I didn't do any deadlifts until last round and did 12. Most of the box jumps were done as box steps while holding the sandbags.

Friday, October 29, 2010

AMRAP 20 minutes

10 20# wall ball shots
10 GHD sit ups
10 back extensions

10 rounds plus 10 shots, 10 sit ups, and 3 back extensions

round times: 1:45, 1:47, 1:46, 1:52, 1:48, 1:58, 1:56, 1:52, 1:44, 1:57, 1:35 (partial)

As Rx. Had 4 missed wall ball shots (3 in the first round) that required do-overs.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


breezy day 50f with winds 12-18 mph. Run west out of driveway around circle, then out of neighborhood, on Highland to Argus, Rustic, Walters, Mefford, Argus, Highland, a few yards before Jackson St.

Felt like I was running pretty good, picked up the pace on the last stretch. Didn't look at my watch at all during the run. Thought I was close a's time 24:15, my PR is 22:50.

I guess running hard it what it's all about, but I sure hoped for a better time!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

AMRAP 20 minutes:

10 95# snatch
10 ring dips
10 KTE

went for squat depth on snatch. Most were caught in a partial squat then a squat to correct depth. rings dips below parallel and KTE full range of motion.

4 rounds plus 5 snatchs

rounds 1 & 2 95#, rounds 3,4,&5 85#.

Monday, October 25, 2010

10 rounds...

1 155# clean and jerk/press
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

time: 13:58

round times :54, 1:59, 3:11, 4:26, 5:52, 7:26, 8:58, 10:38, 12:12, 13:58

final round clean and jerk didn't get locked out (got it overhead and close, but not quite) so I cleaned it again, but had nothing in the tank to jerk/press it out.

Great WOD with Jared at the Depot

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Deadlift and OHS

21-15-9 of 225# deadlift and 95# OHS

21 - DL unbroken, OHS 8/6/6/1
15 - DL 3/3/6/3, OHS 8/7
9 - DL unbroken, OHS 1/4/4

time 14:23 (21 - 5:53, 15 - 5:29, 9 - 4:01)

I was a little worried when I warmed up and struggled with a 95# OHS. Big difference when I kept my concentration and form vs. when I didn't.

A little tired today (got up too early this AM) but ended up being a great WOD!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wall ball and pull ups

7 rounds for time:
10 20# wall ball shots
10 pull ups

time 7:21
round times :50, :55, :56, 1:13, 1:20, 1:05, 1:02

short and intense. great WOD. had 2 wall ball shots miss the wall and didn't count, just lost concentration. broke shots into sets of 6-4 three times.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Brenton - 1000ft of 7734

5 rounds for time:
100ft bear crawl
100ft broad jump

do 3 burpees for every 5 jumps

As Rx 11:00

round times: 1:32, 4:00, 6:22, 8:41, 11:00

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thursters 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

warmed up...stretching, some double unders, GHD stretches, a handstand hold, some cleans, and stretching with the PVC.

thruster warm up 95, 115, 135.

175 front squat only, no push press
165 front squat and press about to my nose


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Scaled from 10 rounds for time to AMRAP 20 minutes:
150M run (3x 25 yd down and back)
7 chest to bar pull ups
7 135# front squats

6 rounds + 150M run + 7 pull ups

HSPU Rx in rounds 1, 2, & 3.

Round 4: 4 + 6 band assisted
Round 5: 3 + 8 band assisted
Round 6: 3 + 8 band assisted

WOD totals 20 minutes: 1050 yd run, 49 chest to bar pull ups, 42 135# front squats, 31 HSPU, 22 band assisted HSPU

Monday, October 18, 2010

1/3 WOD

Did one round of a scheduled 3 rounder, For time...

20 L pull ups
30 knees to elbows
40 burpees
800m run

partitioned it to 5 sets of 4,6, & 8 then ran 800m


Friday, October 15, 2010

135# hang power clean and burpees

3 rounds for time:
15 135# hang power clean
15 burpees

time 8:58 compared to last time 8:37

At Depot with Jared

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

wall ball and muscle ups

WOD done Rx:
50 20# wallball
10 muscle ups

Time:18:25 compared to last time

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

snatch balance

not very good with any aspect of this lift. Practiced today a few light OHS, trying to keep the bar overhead instead of behind my head & leaning forward. Did a few snatch balances, but didn't ever get a good quick drop. I did better the first few attempts, but as I got tired, I ended up doing more of a wide grip push jerk, followed by an OHS.

All reps, probably 10-12, done at 95#.

Monday, October 11, 2010


45# SDHP 13 14 13 13 13 13 12 13
Pull ups 9 8 9 6 7 7 8 8
Push Ups 8 8 11 8 8 7 7 6
Sit Ups 9 7 7 7 5 7 6 6
Squats 17 17 17 16 16 16 17 17

cumulative 416
low 45
high 58

no rest b/t exercises

Friday, October 8, 2010

front squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

warmed up and stretched...FS 135 and 185
255F(arms crossed)
250 NEW PR!

all lifts done from rack position!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

snatch and pull ups

L arm snatch 50# db
R arm snatch 50# db
pull ups

time 7:57

Sweet WOD. Pretty intense but not too much weight. I was able to keep moving pretty well, but did have to take a few breaks for a couple deep breaths. I was able to catch most snatches fully locked, but had a small press in a few towards the ends of the 15 and 9 rounds.

6AM WOD at Depot with Jared, Vince, and Zach.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

12 days of Christmas

3-ring dips
4-225@ deadlift
5-back extensions
6-95# hang clean and press
7-knees to elbows
8-pull ups*
9-double unders
10-53# kb swings*
11-35# db thrusters*


probably much quicker on double unders this time (did 3 tuck jumps on one set waiting for rope), swings (sub this time) quicker than high pulls, and 5# less on db thrusters.

Still a tought WOD!

changes from last time: (8) one leg squats - four each leg; (10) 95# high pulls; (11) 40#db thrusters

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bench Press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

I'm not a fan of bench. It makes my left shoulder hurt during the WOD and sometimes for a few days after the WOD. Today's weights as follows:

2-185 2nd rep very slow
1-180 (failed #2)
1-170 (shoulder hurt, threw in the towel)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Squats and rope climb

scaled WOD as follows:
50 95# squats
9 rope climbs
40 115# squats
7 rope climbs
30 135# squats
5 rope climbs
20 squats (6 @ 145, 14 @115)
4 climbs
10 145# squats
3 rope climbs

time 30:25

had to scale weights of rond of 20 and 10, Rx was 155 and 175. Since I wasn't using a rack, I had to clean and press/jerk the weight overhead then lower it onto my back. After the 6 reps @ 145, I dropped it to rest, and didn't have it in me to clean and jerk it, so I dropped weight.

Rope climbs were easy (or at least easier than the squats). I increased the number of climbs so I ended up climbing the same distance (in feet) as Rx. Round times were 3:39, 7:25, 7:53, 7:40, 3:48. It took about a minute on the second round to change weights on the bar, then a little time, maybe 30 seconds on the other rounds to get the weight set. The rest probably helped, but I don't think I would've waited that long to start the squats.

WOD in the garage with Jared.

Friday, October 1, 2010


snatch - 1 rep
clean and jerk - 1 rep

then AMRAP 10 minutes:
6 120# squat cleans
12 pull ups
24 double unders

snatch - 135f, 125, 135f
c & j - 165, 175, 180f
4 rounds plus 6 squat cleans and 5 pull ups

points: snatch 56.8kg + c&j 79.5kg + 179 reps = 315.3

Felt good on the squat cleans. Finally able to catch the bar, pretty much on my shoulders and get the full squat. Jared thought we had done 5 full rounds, but I only had 4 full marked...not really sure, so my score has the lesser number.