Monday, October 4, 2010

Squats and rope climb

scaled WOD as follows:
50 95# squats
9 rope climbs
40 115# squats
7 rope climbs
30 135# squats
5 rope climbs
20 squats (6 @ 145, 14 @115)
4 climbs
10 145# squats
3 rope climbs

time 30:25

had to scale weights of rond of 20 and 10, Rx was 155 and 175. Since I wasn't using a rack, I had to clean and press/jerk the weight overhead then lower it onto my back. After the 6 reps @ 145, I dropped it to rest, and didn't have it in me to clean and jerk it, so I dropped weight.

Rope climbs were easy (or at least easier than the squats). I increased the number of climbs so I ended up climbing the same distance (in feet) as Rx. Round times were 3:39, 7:25, 7:53, 7:40, 3:48. It took about a minute on the second round to change weights on the bar, then a little time, maybe 30 seconds on the other rounds to get the weight set. The rest probably helped, but I don't think I would've waited that long to start the squats.

WOD in the garage with Jared.

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