Friday, December 31, 2010


One year ago, I posted some goals for 2010. So, how'd I do?

  1. beat last year's time on 100 day burpee challenge...YES! Having Vince along for the ride and pushing me at the finish was a big help.
  2. beat half marathon time from previous year...NO! I discovered how hard it is to run that far without much running. Cold weather probably had an impact, too, but I should've been able to adjust. I finished OK, but sore legs no doubt cost me on this one. Using CFE WODs are the answer this year...
  3. Improve flexiblity for OHS and front squats...YES! Very seldom (never) have any numbness when doing OHS and yesterday's WOD included 30 reps at 115#...that wouldn't have happened a year ago.
  4. CFT over 825...NO! I got 810. This year, I'll get 825!

So what's up for this year:

  1. Beat 2009 time for half to get in the 1:49s.
  2. CrossFit Total 825
  3. Bodyweight OHS
  4. one strict 30 day lockdown each quarter
  5. Get my family involved in the WODs

Thursday, December 30, 2010


2 muscle ups
4 45# dumbell turkish get ups (2 each arm)
6 115# OHS
8 31" box jumps

5 rounds + 2 muscle ups

round times: 2:49, 5:13, 4:29, 3:24, 3:42

Last 2 sets of OHS unbroken. Focused on keeping arms back. Had a failure on Rd3 after 2. No failures on M/U.

WOD totals = 12 muscle ups, 20 TGU, 30 115# OHS, 40 31" box jumps

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2 rounds, odd lifts:

2 rounds (2 rounds = do everything you see below, then repeat it all) for time of the following:
500m row
12 135# left hand suitcase lift
12 45# right hand barbell push press
30 45# virtual shovels
500m row
12 135# right hand suitcase lift
12 45# left hand barbell push press
30 45# virtual shovels

WOD time: 27:59
First round: 13:16 (6:00, 7:16)
Second round: 14:43 (7:08, 7:35)

Tough WOD, but aren't they all? Hard on the lower back, which was most noticeable on the rows.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Spar gone bad

FGB methodology, but changed up the skills:

28,20,22 53# kb swings
15,18,10 bench jumps holding 45# plate
14,14,17 GHD sit ups
53,43,41 double unders
13,15,12 95# push press

totals 123,110,92=315

Hard but not as taxing as FGB. All jumps done as jumps, no step ups.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 PLUS!

warmed up with 3 @ 135#

155, 175f, 165, 175, 180, 185, 190f

jumped from 155 to 175 and probably shouldn't have because my form on the 155 wasn't very good. Dropped back down to 165 and focused on quick drop and arm lock out...the 185 was a deep drop, I felt the stress on my right (back) leg in the split, and that had never happened before.

After WOD, cashed out with 3 "Death by" events:

10 yd shuttle run with 45# plate (can't set plate down) - 10 rounds, plus 10. Just a few feet from getting #11 when timer beeped.

50# dumbell snatch (one rep with each arm counts as 1) - 9 rounds as timer beeped. No attempts in #11.

20# weighted pull ups - done with dumbell held b/t feet - 6 rounds, plus 3 reps. The last few reps hurt my right shoulder, which has been bothering me for the last month or so, I didn't want to push it.

WOD with Tim and Jared over lunch @ Depot

Sunday, December 26, 2010


5 rounds for time:
12 165# DL
9 135# hang power clean
6 135# push jerk/press

went heavier than Rx and much heavier than my last DT.

Time: 18:52

round times 227, 325, 410,403,447

Hard WOD, 135 was all I wanted on cleans and push press/jerk

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

short and sweet

buy in: one minute on, one minute off...30 54# kb swings/minute.
penalty = 1000m row per infraction

Mission accomplished. Alternated minutes with Jared.

Row 500m
50 sit ups
50 double unders
Row 300m
30 sit ups
30 double unders
Row 200m
20 sit ups
20 double unders

time: 12:40

Sit ups were brutal. I need to work on those. Slowed down to 3 & 4 at a time towards the end of each set.

Monday, December 20, 2010

back squats

buy in, 5 rounds:
5 95# OHS
10 chest to bar pull ups
15 jump over the bench
time 10:41

3-265 (2)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

press, push, jerk

press 1-1-1-1-1
push 3-3-3-3-3
jerk (split) 5-5-5-5-5


compare to others: 11/24/09, 09/21/09, 07/05/09

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

3 rounds: deadlift and GHD situps

3 rounds of:
10 275# deadlift
30 GHD sit ups

round times: 2:28, 3:33, 3:54

Total WOD time: 9:55

first round DL unbroken, then I think I got 5 to start each round after that. GHD were tough. Most on GHD, but I did a few in the first round off a bench and the lower foot rest so Jared could use the GHD. Not as much of a drop behind to touch ground.

Cashed out with 2 sets of max reps 95# OHS: 14 & 11

Monday, December 13, 2010


First WOD in a few days. Got sick last Thursday (stomach flu?) and didn't feel up to anything until today. I sacled (midway through) this one to 3 rounds. It's a tough one!

22 53# kb swings
22 box jumps
500m row
22 burpees
22 20# wall ball shots

Did box jumps onto bench at Depot. First round jumped all the way over the bench, second round jumped onto the bench, third round did step ups.

Round times: 8:36, 10:22, 9:43

Total WOD: 28:36

totals 66 swings, 66 box jumps, 1500m row, 66 burpees, 66 wall ball shots

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

3 rounds for time of:

run 400m
15 pull ups
50 squats
15 pull ups

Rx 14:37

round times 1) 3:53 2) 5:14 3) 5:30

All pull ups unbroken. Squats broken down. I never felt loose enough to keep squatting. Probably a little leftover tired from yesterday's deadlift combined with not much stretching or warm up today. Just tried to keep moving on the runs.

Totals: ran 1200m, 90 pull ups, 150 squats

shoulder felt good!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

deadlift 2x10

warmed up with stretching (Mobility WOD 8) then got started. WOD was 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 with 60 seconds b/t sets.

warm up: 135x5, 225x2, 275x2, 295x1

360 (1)
350 (1)
310 (1)

kept on the 60 second pace until my failure on the 350, then lost a minute b/t there and the end of the WOD. Felt good during the WOD...probably could've started the WOD @ 315, but once I was toast, I was toast. Had nothing left for the 310. No pain in the shoulder.


shoulder hurts so I planned on just doing the power cleans portion x3. Ended up with 4 cleans before I had to go home:


short WOD!

Monday, December 6, 2010

snatch, ball, sit up


50# dumbbell left arm snatch
12# wallball (left arm shots)
GHD sit ups

time 14:57
times at end of each round were: 3:26, 7:33, 10:47, 13:14, 14:57

resting right shoulder for a while to hopefully let it heal. Probably won't hurt me strengthening up my left arm since I'm a long stronger and more coordinated on my right arm. Wall balls done with left arm, kind of like a left handed basketball shot, with a full squat.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Homemade WOD, kind of

tweaked the main site WOD enough that it was probably unrecognizable. Here's what I did:

3 rounds for time:
25 GHD sit ups
10 forward rolls
20 pistols total, alternating legs
1:30 handstand holds

pistols done holding on to vertical bar for support, getting down well below parallel on each squat. 1:30 holds was total time, not actual time upside down. I tried to practice shifting my weight to simulate handstand walks.

forward rolls suck!

total time was 16:58 (5:41, 5:42, 5:38*

Thursday, December 2, 2010

5 rounds for time:

row 500m
7 135# thrusters

decided to start at 135# then drop down if it hurt my shoulder. I did one thruster pre-WOD @ 135 and felt a little twinge in my shoulder, then decided it was a loosening up twinge, not a hurt my muscle twinge, and went with 135#.

WOD done Rx in 21:50.

round times: 3:49, 4:03, 4:39, 4:54, 4:24

Had one failed thruster in round 4, got close but couldn't get it locked out...lots of wasted energy! I tried to get at least 3 in a row at some point during each set, then 2 sets of 2.

Last time 01/25/2010