Monday, December 27, 2010

Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 PLUS!

warmed up with 3 @ 135#

155, 175f, 165, 175, 180, 185, 190f

jumped from 155 to 175 and probably shouldn't have because my form on the 155 wasn't very good. Dropped back down to 165 and focused on quick drop and arm lock out...the 185 was a deep drop, I felt the stress on my right (back) leg in the split, and that had never happened before.

After WOD, cashed out with 3 "Death by" events:

10 yd shuttle run with 45# plate (can't set plate down) - 10 rounds, plus 10. Just a few feet from getting #11 when timer beeped.

50# dumbell snatch (one rep with each arm counts as 1) - 9 rounds as timer beeped. No attempts in #11.

20# weighted pull ups - done with dumbell held b/t feet - 6 rounds, plus 3 reps. The last few reps hurt my right shoulder, which has been bothering me for the last month or so, I didn't want to push it.

WOD with Tim and Jared over lunch @ Depot

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