Thursday, April 21, 2011

Games WOD 11.6 pre-trial

planning on doing 11.5 tomorrow, so I decided to give 11.6 a try.  thought I'd go a little heavier on the thrusters (115# vs. 100#).  Otherwise, I did the WOD as Rx, which was

AMRAP 7 minutes of:
115# thrusters
chest touch bar pull ups

I only counted pull ups if my chest HIT the bar, close didn't count.  Fortunately, I only had one not count...the very first one.

got 59 reps (12 thrusters and 11 pull ups)

Not sure how much difference the 15# is going to make, but I hope I can get at least a few more reps...maybe through the round of 15? that would be 90 reps!

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