Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Jumping lunges and push press

Eight rounds for max reps of:
75 pound Push press, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Jumping alternating lunge, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds

Sounded easy and from the comments on video, I didn't think it would be bad. But, lunges were pretty darn tough and it carried over to the push press. Best thing about this was alternating b/t the 2 exercises and the fact that it was only 2 exercises instead of 8 for normal tabata protocol, so 8 minutes and done vs. 16 for normal.

My reps were (push press, jumping lunges)
totals 104,105

I had 4-5 lunges that I didn't count since my knee didn't touch the ground; I did 95% of the work and got no credit!

Cashed out with some deep squats to help stretch out: 5 @ 135, 5 @ 185 pausing at the bottom, 5 @ 135 exploding as soon as I hit bottom

Monday, August 29, 2011

Crossfit Total

Almost took a day off; felt lousy last night and I think I'm trying to fight off a cold.

Warm up: foam roller, band stretching, GHD sit ups, GHD back extensions, and CFT lifts starting with light weights.

Squat: 275, 290F, 285
Press: 145, 135
Deadlift: 365, 390F, 385F
total: 795

score was my second highest ever. I got the 290# squat about halfway and got stuck for 3-4 seconds but it wouldn't budge. Barely got the 145# press and knew I wouldn't get more, so I backed off to 135# just to get another lift in. My last DL warm up was 345# and I debated on whether to go 365 or 385 on my first lift. I felt like I could get the 365 pretty easy, but didn't want to waste energy knowing I'd go for 390+. I decided to get 365 so I'd have a score. My form broke down on the 390 and 385 lift, barely got it off the ground.

Cashed out with some lighter deadlifts as I removed weight from the bar, some foam roller work, and some handstand holds against the wall, focusing on getting my hands as close to the wall as I could

Sunday, August 28, 2011


3 160# cleans
20 burpees
My goal when I started was 10 minutes. Halfway through first round I thought 8 was possible. Once I started second round, I knew 8 was impossible and 10 would be pretty hard.Cleans after the first round were pretty hard. Second round was probably the longest.
WOD time was 11:48

Thursday, August 25, 2011


5 rounds for time, not quite Rx, a little lighter OHS, a little longer run:
500m run
15 90# OHS

Time: 24:34
round times 4:17, 5:15, 4:44, 4:54, 5:24
OHS broken down (by round): 10/5, 10/5, 15, 15, 8/7
500m times (start to finish) 2:35, 2:52, 2:48, 2:54, 2:56

On the 3rd set of OHS, I brought my hands a little closer together which helped me keep my arms more vertical, which in turn, seemed to cause me to use my legs more. Much better lifting form, at least it felt like it.

This wasn't my best time for Nancy, the extra 500m in run had a lot to do with it, but it was probably one of my best OHS, which is a little surprising considering how I felt pre-WOD.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

5 rounds:

15 185# deadlift
15 toes to bar

warmed up with stretching, 15 ghd sit ups, 15 back extension, and a 500m row. Time for the row was 1:41.

Hot and humid in the Depot! I didn't bring chalk and this was a horrible WOD for a slippery grip. Like I say about every WOD, this was tougher than I thought. I hoped to break 10 minutes...

Times @ the end of round:


I tried to do stricted TTB than I had in the past, none of the huge kips to keep moving. Ended up breaking them down into sets of 3-5 to get to the 15. Deadlifts were a pain with a slippery grip.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

5 rounds

40 double unders
30 box jumps 24"
20 53# kb swings

I did box jumps, no step ups.

Time 20:03

Sunday, August 21, 2011

press 5-5-5-5-5

Started to do Rx but went too heavy at 130, so I decided to make it a good press WOD...slightly altered from
Rx. Weights and reps were:
Warm up:
5 - 70
5 - 90

5 110
3 130
5 120
1 140
5 115
5 125
2 115
9 90
10 70

Saturday, August 20, 2011

GOWS at the track

Warmed up with a few 100m run and burpees, followed by 50 yards of broadjump burpees.

For the WOD, we did two 3 rounds of 2 person tire flips followed by sandbag shoulders. Each round was AMRAP 1 minute. We rotated through my three heavier bags (80 64 50). Total of 6 rounds...or two with each bag.

Cashed out with 10..1 of push ups and sit ups, then played on the paralettes.

Friday, August 19, 2011


30 115# snatch for time
Started rd 135 but quickly disoverer it wasan't happening. Time was 8:42

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


10 rounds for time:
10 pull UPS
Run 100m
10 burpees
Rest 30 seconds

I did 7 rounds in 24:32. Runs were a couple good blisters from pull ups...just got through burpees

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Ran using endomondo to track distance. Ran from park down to highsmith and out toward the west. Time was just over 25:00...horrid performace....proof that my lack of running has taken it's toll my my endurance. Not 100%convinced my distance aS right, but it was a good run.

Monday, August 15, 2011

pull ups and HSPU Ladder

With a continuously running clock, do one pull-up and one handstand push-up the first minute, two pull-ups and two handstand push-ups the second minute, three pull-ups and three handstand push-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able. When you cannot complete the required number of reps for either exercise, continue only with the other as long as you are able.

I went with chest to bar pull ups and HSPU (no bands) for this WOD.   All rounds done pull ups first followed by HSPU.  I got 7 full rounds plus 4 in round 8 of HSPU.  9 full rounds plus 7 of CTB pull ups.

Total score: 16 (7+9)
Total reps: 52 ctb pull ups, 32 HSPU

Cashed out with 1 round of Gator:  5 185# front squats and 26 ring push ups (feet slightly below parallel to rings) .  Time was 3:05.  Five rounds of this would've been really hard!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

beach running

sprints 20:40

got 8 done before lifeguards sent everyone home due to lightening.  measured distance using endomondo app.  each run was somewhere b/t 70 and 90 meters.  sand was very soft and my legs got tired about halfway through each sprint.  nice short WOD.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

HSPU and burpees

planned on going 10..1 on burpees and 1..10 on HSPU.

I got through 4th ronud complete (7 & 4), then did 6 & 1 and quit.  wasn't feeling the HSPU.  untimed WOD.

Monday, August 8, 2011


50-40-30-20-10 double unders and sit ups

Beach WOD at Santa Rosa Beach, FL.

Double unders are very hard in the sand, even on the hard stuff!

TIME 14:51

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday AM vacation

beach run.

I ran 15 minutes down the beach, stopping every minute (gymboss timer) to do 10 push ups.  Ran back without least for push ups.  All running done in the soft sand...nothing close to the water.

measured distance using the endomondo app on my measured 1.44km down and 1.59km back.  I'll settle for 1.5km or 1500m each way. 

WOD time was just over 26 minutes.  3000m run and 150 push ups.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Final event

20 calorie row
30 20# db thruster
20 toes to bar
30 20" bench jump
20 110# sumo deadlift high pull
30 burpees
20 135# shoulder to overhead
120' 160# cable machine pulls (I used the rope thingy pulled all the way through the bracket and pulled it like I was pulling a rope sled. I counted each pull if I didn't move my feet at 3' and each complete pull where I got the weights all the way to the top of the machine as 10')

time 19:59

hot again in the depot.  burpees sucked.  Good WOD!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Heavy Mowing

Mowed ditches again wearing 80# (weight vest and backpack).  Wet, nasty ditches make this pretty challenging!

Tired legs at night...don't realize it too much at the time, but once I sat down, the were aching.