Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Jumping lunges and push press

Eight rounds for max reps of:
75 pound Push press, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Jumping alternating lunge, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds

Sounded easy and from the comments on video, I didn't think it would be bad. But, lunges were pretty darn tough and it carried over to the push press. Best thing about this was alternating b/t the 2 exercises and the fact that it was only 2 exercises instead of 8 for normal tabata protocol, so 8 minutes and done vs. 16 for normal.

My reps were (push press, jumping lunges)
totals 104,105

I had 4-5 lunges that I didn't count since my knee didn't touch the ground; I did 95% of the work and got no credit!

Cashed out with some deep squats to help stretch out: 5 @ 135, 5 @ 185 pausing at the bottom, 5 @ 135 exploding as soon as I hit bottom

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