Monday, June 29, 2009

CrossFit total

busy day at the gym...didn't warm up very well. tough to get into a rhythm.

dead no deadlift warmups...

Back Squat 255, 280, 265
Press 135, 150f, 145
Deadlift - 335, 375f, 365f

760 total

finished with 5 40# pullups, 5 strict, 54 40# pullups, 4 strict, 10 hspu, 4 hspu, 8 deep dips, and a little handstand work.

15 ghd situps, 15 back extension, 15 ghd situps

Saturday, June 27, 2009

not too much fun!

since the WOD was a new one with exercises I hadn't seen before, I thought it would be fun. No so much!

Two rounds of:
Right arm 38#duffel bag press 12 reps
115# Left arm deadlift 12 reps
Run 800 meters
Left arm 38# duffel bag press 12 reps
115# Right arm deadlift 12 reps
Run 800 meter

time 24:28

very hot & humid morning...expected this time of year!

Friday, June 26, 2009


AMRAP 2o minutes:
run 400m
max reps pullups

7 rounds +200m
3000m total
18,10,11,8,8,9,9=73 pullups

humid the mid 90s. Temp in the mid to upper 80s for WOD. Done about 8pm after golfing in the afternoon and a girl's softball game at 6pm.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

20 minutes with 95#

5 thrusters
7 hang cleans

8 rounds in just over 19 minutes

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

front squats

6 @115
should've done another set, but had a softball game to go to. Mallory and Macy were at the depot with me!

10 pullups, 3 50#pullups, 3 strict 10 dips, 12 siutps, 10 back extensions, 3 HSPU stretching and 2 HSPU

Monday, June 22, 2009

3 rds in the heat

3 rounds of:

run 400m
33 35# plate swings

time: 17:32

92 degrees and humid!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Fighting for Ben


Score 265

First time doing FGB as Rx...using Concept2 rower! Great FGB with lots of friends.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

mixin it up

last 2 days have been at the Hyatt in Minneapolis.

I've done a lot of pullups, dips, handstands, C2 rowing (one minute on, one minute off), and practice snatching (not very well). Got some good work in, but nothing to compare to at a later date.

Monday, June 15, 2009

5k...not today

At the Hyatt in Minneapolis...saw a C2...long time listener, first time caller!

started with some stretching and a few pullups, then rowed on the C2. Did 500m, then got on the treadmill. Ran/walked 1.75 miles (walked on steep inclines) in 16:00. Finished with a 2500m row that took about 12:00.

Finished with some shoulder stretches, handstands, weighted pullups, & dips.

Nasty Girls

scaled today's WOD to:

3 rounds:
50 squats
pullups & ring dips
10 135# cleans

I thought I could pull a couple muscle ups (nasty girls rx is 7 m/u per round) but when I failed on the first, I realized i was in trouble. Ended up doing some pullups and ring dips each round (maybe 10 of each) just to keep moving. All else done as Rx.

time: about 16 minutes...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

outside WOD

repeats of 100ft walking lunges, then pullups and situps in sets of 21-18-15-12-9-6.

WOD done outside with pullups on the rings and support beam of swingset. All pullup sets were broken with modified kips, I can't get the rhythm on the rings. Tried to get at least half of each set before dropping off. Time 16:46.

humid morning but I beat the heat on this one!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


20 minutes of
15 95# squat cleans
12 ring dips
21 situps

all reps strict

4 sets in 20:58

finished with some skin the cats on the rings and a little handstand work

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

back squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

245, 255, 265, 255, 270, 245, 245

all lifts successful, but I'm not sure I got deep enought on the 270, so I dropped weight and focused on depth for the 245s. My legs were still pretty tired after yesterday's one leg squats.

did some chest to bar strict pullups, deep dips, and some handstand work.

My handstands are getting much better. today, accidentally, i went over backwards and landed on my feet first (not a forward roll), then lowered down to my back. it's nice to know I can do that and not kill myself. I had one stand for probably 5 seconds...which seems like forever!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


AMRAP in 20 minutes:

10 1 leg squats
15 pullups

got 6 full rounds plus HSPU and squats done in round 7.

totals 35 HSPU, 70 one leg squats, 90 pullups

Sunday, June 7, 2009

thrusters and tuck jumps

5 rounds for time:
21 75# thrusters
21 tuck jumps

time 14:43

very hard workout! Rx was double unders (I really need to work on those) so I subbed tuck jumps. Legs still very tired from FGB yesterday, but I guess that's CrossFit!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Fight Gone Bad "test run"

5 guys, 5 mission...

Fight Gone Bad using 18lb ball, 18" box, 75# push press, 75# high pulls, & burpees

Score 273.

two weeks until the real deal!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

what was the name of that bus that hit me?

This WOD was HARD!

For time:
Run 800m
40 L pull-ups
Run 800m
40 Strict pull-ups
Run 800m
40 Kipping pull-ups

L pullups and most of first part of stricts done on rings on playset outside. I got 13 strict pullups done and hit the wall, so I ran my 3rd 800m then went back to strict pullups and did 20 strict off the bar in the basement. Did final 7 of strict set using wide band for assistance.

I got through kipping set pretty strong and realized I use a lot of energy to "catch" myself on the way down if I don't push away from the bar.

time 34:20.

WOD totals 40 L pullups, 33 strict pullups, 7 band assisted pullups, 40 kipping pullups, ran 1.5 miles


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


WOD as Rx was OHS 5-5-5-5-5. I spent time stretching shoulders using PVC bar and did some reps of OHS using PVC. Seemed to get lower with less discomfort than ever and no numbness in hands or fingers...good thing, right?

Also spent some time upside down, practicing handstands. I still don't have the confidence to "roll" out of a bad situation and that keeps me from staying up as long as I probably could. I used the wall to help balance to get used to being on my hands.

Monday, June 1, 2009


5 rounds for time:

15 25#db split cleans
21 pullups

time 15:36