Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Split Jerk

10 pull ups, 10 ring dips, 10 GHD sit ups, 10 back extensions, and some stretching for warm ups

split jerks (4x95 and 1x135 plus multiple reps holding nothing to work on form)

clean and split jerk (I think Rx was split jerk from the rack, but I cleaned it from the ground last time, too, and wanted to stay consistent)

170 PR

90 burpees wearing weight vest. sets of 10 for time with rest = work (times ranged from 35.59 to 52.33)

I tweaked my right shoulder during this WOD. Didn't notice it until WOD and burpees was done...not sure which did it, but I think the clean and jerk may have been the culprit!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Front Squats and L-pull ups

7 rounds for time:
3 185# front squats
7 l pull ups

done as Rx..9:22 (round times :41, 1:02, 1:12, 1:35, 1:42, 1:39, 1:31)

Good WOD. all squats unbroken...the bar tried to roll forward a little as I got tired, but I was able to stand up quick enough to keep it on my shoulders. First round of pull ups unbroken...use all types of grips to get done.

89 burpees done, 52 of them tabata style after the WOD.

Monday, March 29, 2010


5 rounds:
40 double unders
30 24" box jumps
20 1.5 pood (54#) kettlebell swing

As Rxd: 26:50 (rounds 4:11, 5:03, 5:41, 6:15, 5:45)

I got 4-5 DUs a few times, but mostly pieced together 1-2 at a time. Did a lot of "box steps" the final two rounds. Lower back got very tight on swings.

88 burpees at end of WOD. Actually seemed to help loosen my back up.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


3-3-3-3-3-3-3 of thrusters WU= 40 burpess (4 sets of 10), 2x10 pull ups, 10 ring dips, 5 PVC OHS 135 155 160 155 150 (got 2...on the 3rd I made it to the rack position, but wrists hurt and couldn't get it up) 140 140 (4 reps) FYI - one rep thruster max is 165#

Friday, March 26, 2010

to muscle up, or not to muscle up...

created new WOD today instead of doing Rx'd MUs.

3 rounds of the following:
12 ring pull ups
12 ring dips
10 slosh pipe front squats
3x sandbad carry (from NE cornder of Depot to concrete pad)
45 secondg handstand holds

each time you let go of the rings, do 3 burpees
sandbag carry...once on left shoulder, once on right, once in the middle

time: 27:52

originally scheduled for 5 rounds...3 was plenty!

60 burpees done during WOD, 25 after to complete Day 85

Thursday, March 25, 2010

lunchtime snatch


30 burpees warm up

snatch warm up...a few OHS with bar
75x3 snatch
95x3 snatch

125 - slight bend in arms...a little of a press to get locked out
125f - focused on straight arms
125 slight bend
120 felt very strong...good commitment
130F - no commitment...not a strong pull
125 strong

I still can't do a squat snatch so all these were power snatches from the floor
24 burpees done b/t sets and at the end

a little different...

3 rounds, one minute of each (think Fight Gone Bad) counting reps for score. Score each round in (parenthesis):

95# deadlift (35,29,30)
95# hang power clean (12,12,13)
95# front squat (16,14,9)
95# push press (16, 13, 12)
burpees (12,10,11)

round 1 91
round 2 78
round 3 75

total score 244

tried to use hook grip on DL and cleans, still not very good at it but a good WOD to practice on.
33 burpees as part of WOD...51 still to be done today!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rest Day

83 burpees done over lunch...4 every minute on the minute for 21 minutes (did 3 the final minute).

OK, famous last words...I feel pretty good today! Sure, yesterday's WOD was challenging, but it was very short and the movements weren't too taxing. I've got a bad feeling about the next 3 days!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

pull ups, box jumps, sit ups

WOD done as Rx:
chest to bar pull ups
30" box jumps
GHD sit ups

time 11:32

chest to bar pull ups take a lot more concentration to keep the kip going...had to reset a few times. 6" difference from 24 to 30 made a big difference on the small missed step on the second set

83 burpees done...most after WOD.

Monday, March 22, 2010

deadlift and double unders

3 rounds for time:
10 275# deadlift
30 double unders

as Rx = 14:43

time per round 4:50. 5:17, 4:36

double unders broken to pieces, although I did get a few of 5 or 6 in a row, mostly 2-3.

warmed up with deadlifts 5 @135, 3 @225, 2 @ 275 and 4 sets of 10 burpees for time: 25.16, 25.23, 24.88, 24.88

cashed out with alternate burpees sets of 1o of burpee pull ups 44.59, rolling burpees 47.18, and 15# db burpees 44.17. Last set of 11 was 3 burpee pull ups, 3 rolling burpees, 3 15# db burpees, and 2 regular burpees 54.56.

rolling burpee = at bottom of push up position roll all the way over to your left, then push up and finish burpee, next time, roll to the right, etc.
db burpees = hold a 15# db in each hand through entire burpee cycle.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

burpees & snatches

subbed burpees with 20# weighted vest for rowing today. WOD was:
40 burpees
50 40# db snatch (25 each arm)
30 burpees
36 40# db snatch (18 each arm)
20 burpees
20 40# db snatch (10 each arm)

all snatches were power snatches from the floor...time: 22:19

one full round cfwu to start...some samson stretching and OHS to cool down.

Friday, March 19, 2010

HSPU and pull up ladder

this is a new one HSPU and one pull up the first minute, 2 HSPU and 2 pull ups the second minute, 3 of each the third minute, etc. When you are unable to complete the required number of reps for one of the exercise, continue with the other exercise as long as you are able.

I went to failure on HSPU, then switched to band aided HSPU until failure and finished with pull ups.

Got 6 rounds +5 reps in round 7 of HSPU (didn't finish all of round 7)
Got round 8 + 8 in round 9 of band aided
16 full rounds +13 in round 17 of pull ups. (new PR on pull up ladder by 1!)

Totals for 17 minute WOD = 26 HSPU, 16 band aided HSPU, 149 pull ups

70 burpees done pre-WOD in sets of 10 for time. High=28.72, low=23.41 avg= about 26.8. 8 burpees done post WOD

Thursday, March 18, 2010



warmed up with some burpees, pull ups, & stretching. DL warm up with 5x135, 3x 225, and 1x295


total weight of makes=2380 (last time 2375)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


St . Patty's Day tradition. Subbed some burpees for push ups and squats, so my WOD looked like this:

Run One Mile
80 burpees
100 pull ups
120 push ups
220 squats
Run One Mile

I put on the 20# weight vest, ran one mile, then did 1/2 of the exercises. I took the vest off, did the second half of the exercises, then put the vest back on, ran a mile, and was done.

Time 54:25. First day running outside in a long time. Ran from depot down around circle in the park and back to depot.

Rest Day?

Tuesday, 3/16 was a rest day, in addition to Wolfgang Van Halen's birthday.

Only thing to do was 75 burpees. I picked up a 20# weight vest earlier in the day and decided to do some of my burpees wearing the thing. I did 60 burpees with the vest, then 15 without. Nice rest day workout. I think I'll try to do burpees on a regular basis with it on to help with 100th day time.

Gonna shatter last year's!

Monday, March 15, 2010

AMRAP 20 minutes:
15 back extension
15 toes to bar
15 75# OHS

warmed up with burpees, 20 seconds on, 20 seconds off for 8 rounds. 8,7,7,7,7,7,7,8 burpees for a total of 58 burpees

For the WOD, I got 3 full rounds, plus the back extensions, toes to bar, and 3 OHS. That's probably the most I've OHS (combination of weight and reps). I really need to focus on long as the weight stays back, I do OK, but as soon as it moves forward at all, I lose it. Shoulders very tired at the end.

cooled down with 16 burpees and went home.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Weight

WOD as Rx...weighted pull ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

did burpees as warm up. 10 at home. At depot did Tabata style with rotating sets of burpees, burpee pull ups, and weighted burpee pull ups using a 25# db chained to my waist. It was a little tricky getting the belt on and off between sets. May have lost a couple seconds on either side, but not bad.

sets dones as follows (R)egular, (J)umping, (W)eighted:
total of 42.

WOD = 50, 75,75,70,60,65,65
the 75s were questionable, got my nose to the bar, but couldn't get chin over. I'm a little disappointed in missing them, but the pull ups in the warm up had to have an effect.

cool down was 8 burpee pull ups, 10 double clap burpees, and 3 burpees

We Are the Champions

Congratulations Robinson Maroons! Illinois class 2A basketball state champions!!

Yesterday's WOD done at the hotel in Peoria. AMRAP of .25 mile on treadmill and 15 burpees. Finished 5th round as time expired. A little slow all around after being up celebrating until about 2AM the night before. Got my Rx burpees in for the day, so I'm satisfied!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Take it Easy

rest day ...much needed.

Today I'm sore (hamstrings, back, glutes, & triceps). 10 burpees down this morning, 61 left today. Gonna spread 'em out and try to take advantage of the day off to recover.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pull Me Under

30 double unders
20 L pull ups
20 cleans (75# sandbag/2-50# db)

time 25:57

did cleans with sandbag until 6 remaining in last round when it broke...finished with db power cleans. Rx WOD was 25 L pull ups, but I scaled to 20 to keep moving. Even so, I ended up doing a max of 3 at a time.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Garage Days Revisited

10 rounds for time:
15 135# deadlift
15 push ups


all DL unbroken except 2 sets (8 & 10)

push ups took a few rests each set after about #3

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again

Today's WOD, first in a week for me was 5 rounds for time:

2 rope climbs (hanging in garage)
10 one leg squats holding 25# db (5 each leg, done off plyo box)
plus 31 burpees done during rest or when waiting for rope

time 16:41

felt good to get back!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

"Be Good to Yourself"

I've been fighting a cold for the past 3-4 days and my right shoulder is aching, I think from the front squat stretching I've been doing. Decided to take some time off (except burpees) until next week.

Really looking forward to the trip to Columbus and the Arnold. Can't wait to see the CF Games qualifier!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

8 x 400

Not a big fan of this WOD, especially on the treadmill...used stopwatch to time each .25 mile run then reset treadmill. Kept running time of stopwatch (numbers below may not add up exact, but they should be close). WODs as Rx, run 8 .25 mile runs with 90 seconds rest b/t each one. total time for all runs and rest (do not count rest after 8th run).

Time 23:17

splits as follows:

31 burpess and 30 GHD situps before WOD
30 burpees and 20 GHD situps after WOD