Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tribute to Amanda

30 HSPU (13 strict, 34 band assisted)
40 Pull ups
50 53# KB swings
60 sit ups
70 burpees

broke WOD into 5 sets, doing 1/5 of the reps for each exercise in each set. Did WOD as Rxd until 3rd set (reps 13-18) of HSPU. I got #13, then knew I'd take a lot of time for the remaining 5, so I started using the bands and did 2 band assisted for every 1 Rxd. So, in the third set, did one strict, then 10 assisted, and did 12 assisted in each of the final two sets.

Time: 21:56

My abs were pretty sore from Sunday's WOD.

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