Monday, April 12, 2010

snatch balance


warmed up with some shoulder dislocates with PVC and skin the cats on the rings...both seem to be helping get the shoulders going. Did some double unders, 12 GHD sit ups, 12 back extensions, and a couple muscle ups.

started snatch balances at 95# (lowest weight with bumpers):

95 -felt like a wide grip push press the OHS
95 - a little better...more drop and catch, but still had to lower quite a bit
105 - same as #1
95 - probably the strongest drop
95 did 2 OHS to get as deep as possible

did 4 more snatch balances with 45# bar. That's a tough lift. I wanted to do the "snatch" move, but my flexibility issues hamper it!

One of the muscle ups I did was with very little kip...a very smooth move.

Looking forward to tomorrow's first full rest day of 2010!

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