Sunday, June 27, 2010

partial make-up from yesterday, plus today

Yesterday's WOD was 10 rounds for time of:

3 45# pulllups
5 strict
7 kipping

I did this at home:
2 rounds with Macy standing on my feet instead of 45#
1 round wearing the weight vest and holding the 25# db (had to drop to get the vest off)
1 round with Macy

Then at the depot, while warming up for today's WOD, did:
2 rounds of Rxd WOD

None of these were for time, just wanted some pull up work

Today's WOD was:
5 rounds of:
300# deadlift

WOD time 11:32

I didn't start my watch until I began the 2nd round, but I know I was much faster on the first, so it's a estimated first round time:


took a little break during deadlift on 4th set, b/t reps 3 & 4

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