Friday, July 16, 2010

Bring on the games!

In honor of the CF Games starting this weekend, I did a two-fer over my lunch hour. WOD from 7/15, haircut, WOD from 7/16:

WOD #1: For 20 minutes, run 400m, rest the exact time of the run.

400m times were 1:18, 1:25, 1:28, 1:34. 1:35, 1:40, 1:28
Total = 19:32

Hot day on the track at RHS! Tried to avoid heel strikes.

WOD#2: Deadlift 1, 10, 2, 20, 3, 30 reps. Rx was 1,10,1,20,1,30 but I did it wrong just like last time. Warmed up with 5x135, 3x225, 2x295. Last time's weights in parenthesis:

1 - 365 (340)
10 - 295 (275)
2 - 345 (325)
20 - 225 (200)
3 - 315 (300)
30 - 185 (165)
Total: 1740 (1605)

Moved quickly through these and used ample chalk. Felt good, especially on the 365, which tied my PR!

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