Didn't have a big wall, so my WOD was scaled to fit my equipment:
A) 3 rounds (7 minute time limit)
30 push ups - release hands at bottom
15 75# OHS
rest 30 seconds, then B):
3 rounds (7 minute time limit)
30 toes to bar (on rings)
95# ground to overhead
rest 30 seconds, then C):
3 rounds (12 minute time limit)
5 burpee muscle ups
5 rope climbs
A) 1 round plus 6 OHS
B) 1 round plus 10 toes to bar
C) 2 rounds
WOD totals: 60 push ups, 21 OHS, 40 toes to bar, 10 burpees, 10 muscle ups, 10 rope climbs
Hand release push ups are hard.
Toes to bar get tough, especially on the rings
Muscle ups are never easy, especially sweaty ones after lots of push ups
Rope climbs suck!
Definitely a full body WOD. After doing a scaled version, seeing what the athletes did at the games is even more impressive!
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