Friday, February 27, 2009

Holy Lower Back, Batman!

WOD as Rx
21 back extension
400m run
18 back ext
400m run
15 b.e.
400m run
12 b.e
400m run
9 b.e.
400m run
6 b.e.
400m run
3 b.e
400m run

Not sure what's up with the 400m runs alternating with other exercises, but it is providing some awesome metcon workouts!

Time 23:53. Lower back got very tight during runs, mostly during the middle sets. Hoped to keep a 2:00 pace for each 400m, but back tightness made me do some intermittent walking. Legs are very tired and my quads are still feeling yesterday's 700m worth of lunges.

100 day challenge - 20 burpees done AM, 38 after WOD. YTD burpees = 1809

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lunges, lunges, & more lunges

WOD as Rx today is repeating cycle of 100ft walking lunges with sets of pullups & situps, back to lunges, then pullups and situps, etc. The number of pullups and situps go 21,18,15,12,9,6,&3. The actual WOD doesn't include the set of 3, but I wrote it down wrong.

Did WOD in my basement going 25 feet, turning around, and repeating for 100ft per set.

Time 18:34. very hard on the legs, especially the last 50 feet of the last 3 or 4 sets. All pullup sets were done unbroken (kipping).

100 day challenge - 57 burpees done this AM BC(before coffee) - YTD 1751. I am so ready for April 10 to get here!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

more of the same

today's WOD was push jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1. Went to Indy with Brenda, can't do push jerk very well, and needed some rest, so I did burpees and called it a day.

100 day challenge 1694 YTD

Rest Day

Tuesday was a much needed rest day. Did 55 burpees in the evening and felt the tightness and soreness in my back from Monday's SDHPs. I'm really hoping Wednesday's WOD is an easy one. Wait a minute...this is CrossFit, nothing is easy!

100 day challenge burpees YTD 1638

Monday, February 23, 2009

SDHP & push press

21 115#push press
18 push press
15 push press
12 push press

time 20:37

did 54 burpees when I got home - 6 burpees rest 10 seconds, repeat 9x - time 4:30 Burpees YTD 1583

Sunday, February 22, 2009

squats & burpees

did todays burpees...added days wrong and did 54 instead of 53...1529 YTD

WOD front squats 3-3-3-3-3
warmups included pullups, ghd situps, stretching. & light weight front squats
205 (2 sets 2 then 1)
185 (only one rep, shoulders were sore from the weight)

did some weighted pullups (25, 30, & 40#) or ghd situps b/t each set. Did one pullups with 50# when done.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

WOD - scaled from Thursday

As Rx the 2/19 WOD was one round of 50, I altered it to 2 rounds of 21:
  • 21 ring dips
  • 400M
  • 21 pushups
  • 400M
  • 21 HSPU
  • 400M

time: 33:59

Ring Dips - first set plus first 8 of second set unassisted, final 13 band assisted

Pushups - first set unbroken, second set 15, then 6

HSPU - all band assisted with parallettes

Rest Day

Yesterday, Friday, was a rest day...only 51 burpees. Today, Saturday, I pulled an early AM burpee round, doing my 52 in 4:04 at a little after 1AM.

100 day challenge ytd = 1475

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 50!!

50 burpees today...all done before work. I'm thinking about taking another rest day from WOD. The burpees are a workout in themselves and I've felt a little over-worked the past few days. Hit the wall quick on yesterday's pullup ladder, but that could be as much my diet as anything (too many crappy carbs?).

So, do I re-think the 100 Day Challenge or alter the WODs. Heck, I can't quit after I've come this far, so it looks like I'll alter the WODs, if needed, and focus more an flexibility and endurance than strength...the mini-marathon is ONLY 72 days away!!

Maybe I'll go for a run later and do some tire flips

100 Day challenge YTD burpees 1372

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

pullup ladder

felt a little sluggish today.

15 full rounds + 14 in round 16. 134 pullups in 16 minutes

100 day challenge - burpees broken up throughout the day - YTD 1322

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

a little time off

today's WOD is squat cleans...I can't do them!

did 2x 15 pullups (first set strict palms up, 2nd set kipping palms down) & 15 dips on sawhorses.
Did some light stretching to work on hip flexors.

100 day challenge - 25 burpees this AM, 23 at lunch for time - 1:18. YTD burpees 1273

Monday, February 16, 2009

rest day?

100 day challenge - YTD burpees 1225

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Metcon special

altered WOD as Rx since I don't have a rower, mine was 3 rounds for time of:
  • 50 35# plate swings
  • 21 burpees
  • 400m run

time 19:52...last 400m was painful. Back was tight...jog, walk, jog, walk. Did workout at high school track. Temperature about 40F.

100 day challenge - YTD burpees was nice to have burpees as part of the WOD!

Rest day tomorrow!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

SDHP & ring dips

7 rounds for time:

95# SDHP, 10 ring dips, 7 or 6 burpees

first 2 rounds of ring dips were strict, round 3 was jumping, rounds 4-7 were band assisted.

time 17:19

100 day challenge - 1115 burpees YTD

Friday, February 13, 2009

Fran lite

Fran 21-15-9
75# thrusters

time 5:55 new PR

first set unbroken...awesome workout!

44 burpees this morning - YTD 1070

Thursday, February 12, 2009

rest day

43 burpees - ytd 1026

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

burpees, cleans & dips

Altered WOD as Rx to include burpees instead of double unders...

  • 22 burpees
  • 45 115# cleans (mostly hang power cleans, some were from the floor)
  • 45 ring dips (39 ring dips, 2 bench dips (3:1), 4 were bar dips (2:1)
  • 21 burpees

time 22:31

Arms still tired from yesterday's weighted dips & pullups after the WOD...that's what I get for not sticking to the plan. Pushups on final 21 burpees were hard. I noticed, too, my legs are feeling the effects of yesterday's deadlifts when I'd pull the bar from the floor. I'm welcoming tomorrows and dinner at the Porch!

100 Day challenge - Day 43 983 burpees YTD

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Workout at Depot. Warmup = stretching, 15 GHD situps, afew pullups, & some dips. Deadlift 7x135 & 2x225

WOD as Rx 275, 295, 305, 315, 305, 320, 295

Beat total from CFT last month by 45#, so at least I know I can get more than 275! I had a hard time with grip, the bar felt a little slick and wanted to roll out of my hand. Probably could've done more on the last set, but was afraid of dropping the bar.

Did some ghd situps, weighted pullups, and weighted dips after WOD. Tried to do a muscleup on pullup bar, got pretty high up, but need to work on form to get over the hump!

100 day challenge - 22 burpees before, 20 after WOD - 950 burpees YTD

Monday, February 9, 2009

Cindy on 'roids

Did WOD as Rx + burpees...max number of rounds in 20 minutes of the following"

5 burpees (until I've done 41 - 100 day challenge)
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

13 rounds complete 20:06

5 burpees in first 8 rounds, 1 burpee in round 9. totals for workout = 41 burpees, 65 pullups, 130 pushups, 195 squats

100 day challenge burpees YTD = 908

rest day

100 day challenge - YTD burpees 867

broken sets, did 10, 10, then 2 sets of 10 slow and methodically (full squat & slow controlled pushups)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

20 minutes

complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
  • 10 burpees
  • 21 95# SDHP
  • 15 pullups

4 rounds in 19:42...time estimated, I accidentally stopped my watch after the 2nd round

100 day challenge - burpees YTD 827

Friday, February 6, 2009

shoulder work

Today's WOD with weights from last 2 times I did it (4/8/08 & 7/1/08)
Shoulder press 1,1,1,1,1
Push Press 3,3,3,3,3
Push Jerk 5,5,5,5,5

Total weight (weight x reps) = 5640
last time 5635
4/8/08 = 4940

Burpees done this morning 38 for time 2:32 YTD=787

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Rotten to the Core!

Hit the core pretty hard today. Took yesterday as a rest I gotta make 'em up today. Took WOD as Rx and scaled so I could add rounds of burpees. Here's what I did:

3 rounds for time
15 50# db swings
15 GHD situps
15 back extensions
15 KTE
15 burpees - not part of WOD as Rx

TIME: 18:55

Took a couple minute rest - then did burpees 30 seconds on/30 seconds off until I did remaining 24 needed to catch up for 100 day challenge...did rounds of 9,8,7...HR after was 171

Rested a couple minutes, then 2 rounds for time:
15 50# db swings
15 GHD situps
15 back extensions
15 KTE

TIME 11:51

The back extensions are tough; my back gets very tight. I had to rest/stretch after final 15 before doing the KTE. Very painful driving home...Hopefully, as I continue doing these on the GHD machine, my muscles will adapt

100 day challenge - caught up - YTD burpees = 749

*oops, just realized I shorted myself 2 burpees...will be made up as soon as I get home, unless I get the nerve to do them in the lobby of the bank....probably not gonna happen!

Oh, and by the way, I'm still sore from the back squats two days ago. I'm interested to see how doing lifts at the Depot that I wasn't able to do in my basement will affect the other WODs.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

back squats


stretching, 10 pullups, 10 dips, 15 GHD situps, 15 back extensions, stretching 10 pullups, 10 dips, 15 GHD situps

WOD As Rx: sets of 5 back squats
135 warmup

probably could've done a little more weight. first time doing reps on squats for quite some time...wanted to make sure I got deep enough on the squats.

CFWU cooldown - 10 pullups, 15 GHD situps, 15 back extensions

100 day challenge - 678 burpees YTD

Monday, February 2, 2009

2 for 1...kinda

Rested Sunday , again, so I put Sunday's and Monday's WOD together (scaled for lunch)...did the following in the pattern below:
A 10 basement stairs
B 30 3 step stair jumps
C 30 thrusters w/ 25# barbell
D 4 pullups, 4 ring dips
E 5 pullups, 5 ring dips

ABCABCDAEBECE - time 22:32

the burpees seem to be taking a lot out of me. May need to use burpess as WOD one of these days and "rest up" a little

100 Day Challenge - 644 burpees YTD