Thursday, February 5, 2009

Rotten to the Core!

Hit the core pretty hard today. Took yesterday as a rest I gotta make 'em up today. Took WOD as Rx and scaled so I could add rounds of burpees. Here's what I did:

3 rounds for time
15 50# db swings
15 GHD situps
15 back extensions
15 KTE
15 burpees - not part of WOD as Rx

TIME: 18:55

Took a couple minute rest - then did burpees 30 seconds on/30 seconds off until I did remaining 24 needed to catch up for 100 day challenge...did rounds of 9,8,7...HR after was 171

Rested a couple minutes, then 2 rounds for time:
15 50# db swings
15 GHD situps
15 back extensions
15 KTE

TIME 11:51

The back extensions are tough; my back gets very tight. I had to rest/stretch after final 15 before doing the KTE. Very painful driving home...Hopefully, as I continue doing these on the GHD machine, my muscles will adapt

100 day challenge - caught up - YTD burpees = 749

*oops, just realized I shorted myself 2 burpees...will be made up as soon as I get home, unless I get the nerve to do them in the lobby of the bank....probably not gonna happen!

Oh, and by the way, I'm still sore from the back squats two days ago. I'm interested to see how doing lifts at the Depot that I wasn't able to do in my basement will affect the other WODs.

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